How Quickly Can I Go Off Contrave?
UpdatedMy liver values have gone up to 99. I'm so sick that I sleep every chance I get and nearly twenty hours a day on the weekends. I know my liver is being affected because my right side is uncomfortable and feels like there is something extra in there. I want to go off as quickly as is safe to do.
1 Reply
From what I've researched, withdrawal symptoms have been known to occur in cases where patients suddenly stop taking Contrave.
I don't know the extent or severity of these potential withdrawal symptoms, but since a risk factor reportedly exists, it would probably be a good idea to reach out to your doctor and see if he/she can help develop some sort of tapering plan to get you off of it safely.
One important thing to take into consideration is that the time frame in which it takes to wean off any drug may be very different for each individual, depending on how much and how long they took it, body chemistry, and so forth... I wish I could be of more assistance, but I hope this helps!
Does anyone have some advice to add from personal experience?
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