How Much Water Do You Drink To Get Methamphetamine Out Of Your System (Top voted first)


How much water do you drink to get methamphetamine out of your system? I used early Saturday morning, and have a U.A test Thursday.

17 Replies

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I took methamphetamine and I must test in 72 hrs. How much water must I drink to pass & what foods to eat as well?

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Will drinking a lot of water get methamphetamine out of your system?

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I took methamphetamine at 2am and i might get a urine test done tomorrow. How can I get my system clean before 11am?

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If I took methamphetamine at 7 pm and had drank water and been n the hot tub to sweat it out, will it be out of my body by morning? I drink water all the time and have only taken it 3 times .. Please help

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I have used for the pass 2 weeks what do I need to pass a ua on Wednesday?

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It's 130 am my drug test is between 7-9 am this morning. I used at 1045 pm last night. Will water dilute my urine so at least it's not dirty?

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I am on doc probation & been taking methamphetamine pretty much all month long & have to ua this Wednesday & and I last dosed on sunday. I am drinking water, but do I have to get bloated with water in order to pass? I'm about 180lbs and I walk a lot. I hope that I can pass.

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How do you pass a ua for methamphetamine in 24 hours? I'm on probation and get my color called at random. Had a relapse and want to prepare for the worst.

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Please tell me how your situation turned out. I'm in the same one. I seriously was just sitting here smoking and my phone started ringing. It was my probation officer. I have to come in at 8 AM and drop a UA. I need to know how to pass? I was going to take a hot shower, do the sauna thing, take niacin and drink this Sure gel. I'm only 140 pounds about 5 ft 8. I have a fast metabolism. I've been drinking a s*** ton of water and eating. I need help ASAP.

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How do you get methamphetamine out of your blood? My boyfriend dosed Saturday night into early Sunday and is going to be doing blood work by Wednesday or Thursday.

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Well proven fact for me, in a day and a half it can be passed out as long as u drink water and go twenty five times I will be good. Screw cranberry, water pulls it out fast. Don't use cranberry.

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This will get u to pass a monday drug test no problem. Personally this is what I do as ive passed many methamphetamine drug tests for my probation.. Im what they call a weekend warrior trying to beat the system.. Don't get me wrong I have failed 5 times within the past 3 1/2 years but only because I didn't stick to the ritual correctly. I have 1 1/2 left on probation and ive stopped because im too close to getting my open term..

I usually consume .5 grams at the most on friday and defiantly pass. Depending on the quality you can do more or on some occasions less.. Know your limit. I have failed before because I tripped a whole weekend and forgot to do the correct steps to pass either because I thought someone was watching me or following me...Lol

Here's what I do if I dose on friday up until 12 am saturday morning.. I let the drug run its course till about 12 on saturday afternoon, sometimes later maybe 3 pm.. Then I start to pound water, as much as I can and exercise and sweat as much as possible till im literally exhausted. Drink water and refrain from eating anything..

The trick lies in this drink called q carbo 32.. I get it from gnc.. I have a window to know if im having a random drug test or not so I call in at 6:30 in the morning and if my color is selected I immediately drink the detox. Note that I need to give the urine sample by 10 am so I have exactly 3 1/2 hours to get totally clean... It will f*** you up just to be honest and it will make you s*** your brains out but that's the whole point of getting clean... Urinate as much times as you can before you go in. I usually pee 7 times before I go..Any questions lmk.

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I have a ua at 7:30 in the morning. I've been having methamphetamine regularly for about two months. I have the immediate cleanser 2, that I will drink before I test. If I follow the directions should my test come out clean? My last dose was around 11 pm.

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Spouse is using and I wanted to help but don't know where to start

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How do I get drugs out of my body and hair for a drug test?

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I drank 3 gallons of water to flush my system for a drug test. Before I went in I bought two 24 bottle packages of water and drank all 48 of them in two hours. You might throw up a few times but that's good, and pee at least 4 times and u will be good. Just drink something dark after u drink the water.

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I need methamphetamine out of my system on the same day as use, asap. Please advise. My husband is doing randoms and already failed one today. Anyone please, I need honest answers.

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