How Much Morphine Is Too Much
UpdatedIve been in a forklift accident been on opiates for 20 yrs u name it they have put me on it if they would have fixed me correctly i wouldnt be i pain in first place ive heard of people overdosing on one 30mg roxi and ive taken 25 in a day ive heard people die on 1 80mg oxy and ive take 20 in a day am i imune or just have built up huve tolerance ive had a friend do 50 30mg roxi in a day so its all the person involved with his or her tolerance now my dr has me on 4 30mg roxi a day and 3 100mg ms contin in a day ive found that my broken ankle that was fixed and my herniated and bulging discs cause so much pain nothing and i mean nothing stops the cronic pain and the more i cut down the more im in pain and the more crap i take doesnt stop the pain i get so frustrated and deppressed i dont know wat to do anymore i didnt ask to be flipped off a forklift and it totally ruined my life in every way but thank god im alive and this is the hand i was delt thank you for reading my story and to all god bless
3 Replies
I am so very sorry that you're in so much pain, that's horrible.
Have you ever tried Fentanyl?
If not, you may want to ask your doctor about it. It's a patch that you change every 48 to 72 hours and it's over 81 times stronger than Morphine, so it's very potent.
This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
Yes those patches r supposed to last 72 hrs they dont its live in pain or live on pills .You get so fed up and deppressed its just terrible i had broken jaw fractured soft pallet 11 broken teeth broken left leg tib fib spiderwebed fracture herniated discs ankle surgery years of therapy ive tried epidurals acupuncture then the drs give up or they dont believe u the whole thing has totally ruined my life my career as an electrician then ur family gives up or thinks ur a druggie or makes lite of it im at wits end it sux and i never chose to be flipped off a forklift from 18 ft up all cuz a bas player of my band horsed around and jacked up myself and the other guitar player up and drove off and flipped it just moving our equiptment my buddy got a total heel replacement and brokendiscs he received 200,000 and me 300,000 after drs and lawyers its not much and with no ins its gone paying for everything and missi.g yrs of work i believe that the lord will take care of me but the cronic pain its just not something u get used too thank u for even writing back L.R.
I do understand, I was misdiagnosed and on pain management with high doses of narcotics for about 7 years. So, I know that you really never do get full control of your pain, no matter what's prescribed.
The patches can be changed every 48 hours, rather than every 72. Has your doctor ever had you try them that way?
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