How Many Mgs Of Oxycontin Do I Need To Feel Like 40 Oxycodone
UpdatedI have been changed from 140mgs oxycodone to 40 x 2 mgs Oxycontin. I had so much more pain control with the Oxycodone but doc wants me on a ER medication and one for breakthrough. I feel a huge difference with the Ocycontin, not in a good way. Would like to go back to what I was taking as the relief was superior. The Oxycontin I barely feel any relief. How can that be? BTW, have two herniated disc, one completely gone so bone on bone, spinal stenosis at two levels. Sciatica. Again with all the new laws I feel like I have to be grateful to get anything? 52 years old, and docs always thinking you're looking for something. The history is clear, I just want relief, but feel asking for it makes them think your a "seeker".
5 Replies
Hello, Linette! How are you doing?
I'm sorry, but I don't quite understand what your current dosage is, are you taking 40mgs of Oxycontin twice a day?
If so, what do you take for breakthrough pain? How often and what is the dosage of it?
This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
I'm sorry, I was on this one medication so long. I'm on 40mg Oxycontin 2X a day. I also have three 5 mgs oxycodone a day for BT. Since all the new restrictions I can't work on this lower dose. Docs won't give me the meds to get through a day at work, but also don't see me as disability eligible since I can work on the proper dose. It is my choice to work, I hate sitting around all day. It seems that no one gets the quality of life factor. Before I was prescribed the140 oxycodone, 1 ever three hours, except during the night, I had been on disability several times, once for over two months with the sciatica. Now they have given me just enough to somewhat function. I need a life. There are Pain Management laws in each state and nothing other than a guilty conscience prevents these doctors to do what they should. I also know money sure talks with Pain Medication.
I hear ya bout Oxycontin not being as good or as 'controllable' for ain,as Oxycodone..Docs seem to be moving everyone off OxycoDONE.If you are looking for pain meds and are on Oxycodone and want tp keep it,beware.There is some government action going on now,and Docs are moving pain patients to Methadone...Bad idea,I think...Good Luck !
You are correct about the government getting involved here! My own doc told me he was warned to get all his "oxy" patients off these drugs. But I find that they are taking people off the oxy's and putting them on more addictive drugs i.e. suboxone and methadone. I could be wrong but . . . . . Someone please tell me I'm wrong! Otherwise, I'm afraid I'm gonna be a suboxone user. Doc already weaning from oxy's that I've used for about 10,11 years now.
Suboxone did nothing for my pain it actually made it worse . I need to know how many 15mg Roxie's will I be allowed. I was hit from behind and my truck was totaled. Now the hospital on Belle chase hwy won't take my Medicaid card . The nurse said Medicaid funding was cut and they cannot treat people for only 18$a visit. I'm waiting for a return can from my pain Dr. Bless this man it's Sunday and rainy. I can't understand the chart. So I really need to know how many 15 mg Roxie's allowed and is the some thing I can take with this. I've been up all night. So tired and my neck and shoulder are killing me
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