How Many Days Of Bleeding Does One Have After Using Unwanted Kit
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I'm 1 month pregnant and my friend advised me to take unwanted kit. I had already take some medicines after unprotected sex but when I missed my menses I checked and the result was positive. I don't know why the medicine didn't work. Now I'm afraid and wanna know how many days of bleeding will I have after taking unwanted kit. Does it affect the health. As I've already turned extremely weak. Need help asap.

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Re: priya (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I took 6 days before emkit in 24 hours.i mbleeding i need to test

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Re: priya (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I took emkit before 6 days now i m bleeding how long it wil i need pregnancy test

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I am 6 week pregnant then I used unwanted kit after used my period is come and continue on 6 days but after 15 days I saw 4-5 drops of blood then after no show please confirm what can I do.

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I'm one month pregnant and I took unwanted kit and now I have only had one day of bleeding. Is that OK or will there be any problem?

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I had been bleeding for one week after taking unwanted 72.. Is this a good sign??? Am i pregnant?

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