How Long Would I Take Fluimucil 600
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I have phneumonia and i take fluimucil 600mg three times a day...How many days I should take fluimucil 600mg? Is it correct that I drink 3times daily after meal?

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Hello Nildz,

According to the manufacturing website the medicine is only to be administered per your doctors exact instructions as it changes on a case to case basis. It does not specify if you should be taking this food on a full or empty stomach which I believe means that it can be taken either way unless your doctor says otherwise.

If you need to know the dosage information simply contact the doctor who prescribed you the medicine and find out how they would like you to administer it.

I hope this helps, have a great holiday season.

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I have astma..and everytime i have cough its hard for me to cough out tje taking fluimucil 600 once a day..haow long should take fluimucil 600

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