How Long Will Stalevo Stay In Your System If You Change (Top voted first)


I have parkinsons, and was put on stalevo for 10 months. I saw my neurologist sept 9th and asked to be put on another drug, as I experienced terrible side effects, basically they were not right for me,as I am of a nervous disposition, I am now on madopar cr x 4 times daily, but not working, started sept 10th I feel no energy cant walk x when i can it is very slowly as madopar are not working, thougts of suicide and because of the change over am experiencing cold turkey and am stressed out by the salevo high bp, and they have quickened my internal shaking etc and am in a terrilbe state, how long do they say in ones sysytem, and I have this rning /paraylisation at the back of my neck, and sometimes it comes out in knots what do I do.Thank-you. They have made me nervous and opened up old wounds mental ly because of their fast acting metabolism in my brain.

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i dont know what to tell u/ ive been on all med s and none of them seem to taking i mg azalect a day and 4 ,, 100 .. stalevo // im thinking about weining myself off all of them . no help im also taking therapy , a little help + 100 units of botex injection 3 ed time for that. i dont know about that either,, i wish i had some encourgeing news ,, but i dont ,,,

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i just posted .. i forgot to say that i have had no side effects at all from any med that ive taken ,, if u can find a good movement soec that would be the advice to follow,, im luucky i found one,, ive been too 7 or 8 drs , before diagnosed,,let me know if this is any help to u...

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