How Long Will Adderall Be On Back-order July 2016


I live in jackson, tn and i tried to get my 30mg adderall filled yesterday. The ONLY pharmacy that had any was CVS and it wasn't enough to total my rx. I was willing to forfeit some if i could just get what they had left so i don't have to drive all the way to memphis.. the "pharmacist" came to the window and told me they "don't do split prescriptions"..and this is way over the FDA regulations.. i tried to call the "dr" who prescribed this but there was no answer. "We cant....NO.. I WONT fill this rx.. this is an absurd amount... I WILL NOT FILL THIS." She slammed the drive thru window closed. DOES ANYONE KNOW IF PHARMACIES in memphis, or lexington or anywhere around jackson has any?? I would greatly appreciate any info anyone has. Thank you.

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