How Long Until You Test Clean If You're Drinking Baking Soda And Water (Top voted first)


If I use baking soda to clean out my system from methamphetamine, how long will it it be before I test clean after that?

13 Replies

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I need to take a urine drug test at 8:00 today.when should I start doing baking much baking soda do I put in a 16.9 fl oz of bottle water.

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Will that baking soda trick work for all drugs or just methamphetamine?

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If I've been taking methamphetamine most of the night and have to take a ua around 9:30 will baking soda still work?

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I was told after baking soda and water pee before sitting on toilet and to pee 2 times before ua ? Total pees 4 ? Someone help me out here pls .

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You have 3 hr window but have to produce one pee before you will have runs but u will pass but don't test earlier that 45 min and be sure you drink 2nd cup of water after and dissolve baking soda completely . You should take vit b for color and definetly no carbonated drinks whatsoever

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I did the baking soda with two tries, first time I threw up right away. The second time I threw up while on the toilet with the runs.... I heard you know it works when you get the runs, is this true? I tried to hold it down for at least 30min. Do you think it worked?

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Is there such thing as taking to much baking soda an to two hours before taking instant drug test

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To keep from throwing up get 3 pieces of toilet paper put 1 tbsp in each one then bring the corners together twist at the top then 1 at a time hold your head back drop it in your mouth immediately chug with water. It's the easiest way to do it. You can't taste the baking soda either. It's easy to swallow in the toilet paper also.

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I have to take a drug test Monday and I took methamphetamine today. Will baking soda help me pass my ua?

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When using the baking soda and water do you drink the second cup of baking soda and water or just plain water? Please get back to me as I have to have a UA done by 8 p.m. tonight. Will I pass?

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What if I've been using all night the night before you will still be able to pee clean how many times should I pee before I go in I want you to be 100% your name your name

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I took methamphetamine 8 hours before my drug test but then drank baking soda. I kept throwing it up, so I kept drinking it, but took a zantac. Would I come back dirty for methamphetamine?

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