How Long Is Detection For Opiates In A Saliva Drug Test
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I have been struggling with getting clean on and off for years. I take methadone and missed 2 days so on the 2nd day i took a dose. This can't b more than like 1/4 gram, if even that. 2 days later i had a saliva test. I hadn't used for weeks b4 that. I had looked everywhere 4 those mouthwashes that were suppose 2 work. I cldnt find any. I brushed my whole mouth over and over and over and used about a 1/2 btl of the medium sized listerine to rinse my mouth about 4x b4 going in. I also tried hard not 2 get the swab thing wet really. That was 5days ago I shld b finding out any day now...I'm so nervous. I can't change it am I ok?

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Well good news got results and even though I messed up wednesday evening and did a few bags, on Friday at 1pm I was given the saliva swab as I said and it came back clean. I tried not 2 get it too wet, but it didn't come back like inconclusive or problematic because not havibg enough saliva 2 test...just negative. I also rinsed with listerine a few times and then water b4 going inside. Had listerine syrips too but couldn't get them in my mouth to hold in cheeks and gums because the person administering test was right next 2 me from the start.

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I will. I went 2 the clinic today. Nothing yet...but they won't tell me if it's cean...only if I failed! By Friday if nothing is said I will let u know. Plus, it's 4 two more take homes. If I come out negative I will b getting them beginning of next week. Will let u know as soon as I do!

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Yes k please keep me posted I wanna know as well

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Thank u. I will know prbly 2day or tmrw...will post it. That's y hindsight is 20/20. I would have never done that in the same situation again. I have alot 2 loose by a pos result as I am sure most do...yet we do it anyway. Keep u posted.

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Only about two days. Saliva tests are not very accurate.

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