How Long For Valium To Leave My System
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I took 20 mg of Valium last night and was wondering how long I am looking at this medication staying in my system? I have no clue.Please help!!

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I took a 10mg diazepam tonight and have a doctor given pain management test in 10 days. I am 107 lbs and have a fairly high metabolism. If I drink cranberry juice and water till the test will I be able to pass my test? I am terrified. I am running the chance of losing a prescription I desperately need. I only took it the one time on a night I could sleep due to pain. Please help desperate now!!!!!

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i took a 10mg valium i swear to god and 10 days later i failed a drug test now thats a vop

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The half life of Diazepam (active ingredient in Valium) is between 20-100 hours, depending on the number of doses taken and the amount of the dose. This means that it could take between 2-8 days for it to fully leave your system. Are you getting tested or something? Hope this helps!

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