How Long Dose Dilaudid Stay In Your System? (Page 4) (Top voted first)


My friend snorted a dilaudid and she has to take a drug screen for a job and she wants to know how long dose it stay in your urine

81 Replies (5 Pages)

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sugar, if you dont want to be dopesick, you gotta take opiates.try to wean yourself down like a ladder, or try suboxone. then when you come off it use ultram, then nothing. benzos can really help but youll get hooked on them too, and theyre worse. you can use alcohol to come offthe benzos though. if you want to quit, the "how" isnt going to matter to you. you just gotta be strong. and yes ive been there.

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ultram is a half ass opiate itll help you being dopesick. suboxone can help but its costly. stay away from methadone clinics you dont want to be tethered to one forever. if you want to quit just quit. xanax and friends can help you kik opiates but theyre worse to come off of.

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no dude. he can look art your arm or deduce how it was taken by info you tell him. but once it's in your body, your body works on it the same way.

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You will be fine I'm on suboxone and I have mixed the two you should have no affect everything should be fine I've personally never had a problem

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I have been taking dilaudid 10mg a day and 25mg oxys for 6 months straight. I am going to have urine test in 12 days for a new job. Will i test positive?

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I need help with alcohol. I drink beer every day and have a fatty liver. I'm on Medi-Cal. I live in California. That's the only insurance I have. A lot of rehabs don't accept it. I don't have the money to pay for it. I'm a struggling student and I graduate next week for cosmetology but I'm also on methadone. I would like to dose down but I'm not going to just quit taking that, it would be agonizing pain but I would like to quit drinking before I get cirrhosis. I need help please. I have two kids that need a mother that's sober and I can't hold down a job and be an alcoholic. I should've graduated a year ago and I've missed several days because of my addictions. I'm willing to admit that I'm an alcoholic and an addict. my phone number is {edited for privacy}. I'm going to sleep right now. I just dozed on my methadone. I even had to buy my own breathalyzer because if you don't blow 0.00 they will not prescribe those to you on the methadone. I don't drink in the morning but I do before I go to bed and sometimes it's still in my system in the morning. I need help fast and am willing to do anything for my life and my kids ....If you can help me in anyway I would be so GRATEFUL and THANKFUL.

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i would be remiss to not say that's very dangerous, but yes, you should be just fine.

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Will 1 dilaudid show up on a urine panel test in 2 days, if I have never had one the whole month? How long does this stay in my system?

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I ned to know I stop smoking pot last week I have UA the 28 th I also had taking dilaudid 30 mg ,fentanyl 75 mu and morphine tabs , I stop but I am in pain management I ran out of my percs and I was in pain ,they don't allowed me to use anything only percs,klonopin I also took valium I get my script 3 days do you guys think I would pass the test ? I stop pot for years I just start last month thank you I am new I need info

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Get on Methadone. Its a great potent pain killer. People thinks its just for junkies, but for people with chronic pain, like the 29 screws, it should do wonders. Seriously, look into it.

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Robert, if you can get feel good meds that if you went off of them would make you feel like crap for the rest of your life.....why would you want to do that? I've had a BEAUTIFUL 30 YEARS ON METHADONE AND I COULDN'T BE HAPPIER....

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These responses are retard funny... But i was gave 1ml of diladid with 1ml of tordal for pancreatitis i will say that is the worse feeling I have ever had.. I will never take that mess again ... I would rather deal with the pain. My heart rate dropped down to 34 bpm an a blood pressure of 99 over 68 they pumped me with fluids to increase everything to normal... NEVER AGAIN

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Why would you go to a methadone clinic just so they can keep you high. Methadone is way worse then opiates. it gets in your bone marrow and f***s you up. NEVER EVER go to a methadone clinic thats why theyve been shut down in parts of U.S. You should shut the f*** up if you dont know what your talking about.

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If she wants to ruin her life let her and by the way shes hurting herself not ruining her family thats her journey let her learn I had too!!

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This is one of the most RIDICULOUS things I have EVER heard. Just like any other food or substance, gelatin is digested and absorbed through the GI tract. Drug metabolites are released into the blood stream and excreted through the liver, kidneys, urine, etc. NOTHING will "seal" a bladder.... COME ON. Totally unbelievable.... use some COMMON SENSE. FFS. (Rolling eyes big time)

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2-4 days tops. These people are misinformed. The one guy took a D the day before n wants to kno if it's safe to drink? Yea, jus don't swim after you eat. I hear that's very dangerous.

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ah i jus wanyed to say i wanna quit but dnt noe how who can help me

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I took 1mg diladid and have . Urine screen at probation 60 hours from now I found it in my bathroom and just immediately swallowed it can I pass?

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It can be anywhere from 24 hours or more, depending on the dosage and how often she has been engaging in this behavior. This is a very dangerous practice and she really needs to get help.

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Crushing any pills could be fatal. My brother first started consuming pills and then went to snorting them after his tolerance built-up. He is ruining his family because of this addiction. Please tell your friend to stop, before she gets into big trouble with her health.

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