How Long Does Zubsolv Block Opiates (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I took a zubsolv at 6:00am this morning, how long will it block opiates

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Take it for maybe 7 days. Enough to get past the oxy withdraw. Cause after 7 days of using zub or sub you will end up going through 10x worse withdraw. Personal experience. I was on sub for 2 years. Quit after tapering to .25 mg every day and a half. Then dropped off completely. Went through hell for a solid 2 weeks. So NO, donot stay on it for 30 days to 6 months. If you really want off of pills do not substitute a 4 day hell for a 4 week hell. Make sure your ready to be done with your pill binder. Get a 7 day supply of 1.9mg zubs. So 14 of them if you were a high end user. Take 3 your first day and maybe 3 your second day. Then drop to 2 for the next 2 if tollerable. Then drop as low as you can to make it tolerable. The strength of zubsolve and suboxone are far under rated. 2 mg of those 2 is the equvilant of 80 mg of oxy or morphine. Again you have to want to quit to make it work. But switching one that you were using for one that is far more intense and harder to get off of is bad idea. Im only speaking from experience. 2 years on suboxone and wemt through hell coming off of it and now again because of pain i have been on sub then switched to zubsolve a year ago and am 5 days into being off of both. Thankfully i have some 5 mg hydros to help make it sustainable and some clonipine,seroquil and clonodine. Otherwise i would be a complete wreck. This friday i will discontinue the 3 i just named and will suffer for a cpl days. But i learned how to moderate getting off of the overly strong sub and zub by the method im using now. I have a 9 month old and a 2 year old. So had to be able to function. The way im doing it is in no way the right way. But for me its the only way i could do it and stay productive. But please disregard her 6 month BS. Assuming she wrote this after her first dose and has no clue what the hell she just got herself into. Stay away from methadone,sub and zub. They were initially created to be used for 5-7 days to get dope and pill addicts through the worst with draw. Then the big pharma companys relized they could get you hooked on somethimg else that can be perscribed. Look at the reality! Our great government allowed so many pain killers to get out there. Once the heat was turned up on them, they switched to a different form of f ing you up. Its a vicous cycle and will continue to be one if you let it. I hope this helps some relize that there is no miracle drug. If you want to get off of pills or dope and you go on zub or sub for 6 months. Your setting yourself up for failure. Be strong in mind and you have to truelly want to be done. If not just keep doing what your doing and drop from it when your ready. These drugs should have never been allowed

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7daysubzubdetoxonly... Quit spewing your bulls***; nobody's fault but your own. FIRST off you will not become addicted to buprenorphine unless you take it for at least 18 days. SECOND you CAN skip withdrawal from buprenorphine with a PROPER taper. Just do some research people. I was on opiates for 8 years then buprenorphine (suboxone then zubsolv) for 6 years. I did a proper researched taper & experienced no withdrawals. THIRDLY 5-7 days is not going to work for real heavy addicts like myself. The mental withdrawal (depression, malaise, etc) is FAR worse then the physical withdrawal, and it can take months to years to bypass.

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Lol you know nothing about this.

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14 hours at least if it was a short life opiate 19 - 24 if it was a long lasting or slow release opiate . I have done 12 hours before. It is risky, this depends on your body size& metabolism,

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Hi my name is Mike. Im currently taking zubsolv 5.7 for opiate withdrawals. A half a pill every 11 hours. Ive been on it for 3 days and i was wondering if would withdrawal off the zubsolv if i stopped taking it and do you think its been long enough for the percosets too? The last perc i took was Tuesday and tomorrow will be Saturday. Thanks

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Yes it is the devil. I was on zubsolv for 3 months and i had all the bad side effects from it.. I stopped taking this poison there's other ways to get off opiates.

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A friend of mine took a half of a zubsol today and was wondering when he would feel the effects of opiates. Today was the only day he took the zubso . I know nothing about any of this.

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Hi hollywood,

According to the FDA, "Buprenorphine's average elimination half-life from plasma ranges from 24-42 hours, and Naloxone's is anywhere from 2-12 hours".


With that said, not only will it depend on how much you took, but also how long you've been taking it for.. or if this was just a one time thing for you?

However you can also use the half life to try and estimate about how long each dose will be most active in your system, because after the time frame of each half life listed above, you're essentially going to end up with "half of what you originally took" and then "half of that remaining half" and so forth...

I hope this helps!

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