How Long Does Xanax Valium Norco Stay In Your Urine


I took one Valium 3 weeks ago. I took xanax several days in a row 3 weeks ago. I took a norco 3 days ago. I drank 3 days ago. I did 3 lines of cocaine 3 days ago. Will I pass a urine test in 2 days?

4 Replies

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How can anyone take a urine drug test without showing some type of false positive? Everything under the sun seems to register for false positives: poppy seeds, Zantac OTC, melatonin, SSRIs, tricyclics, Wellbutrin, ibuprofen, certain vitamins and minerals. Just seems like a very broad wand that captures innocents and abusers alike. I hate to think how many good citizens that are taking routine prescriptions are disqualified because of inaccurate results.

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I take Verapamil for my migraines (my Neuro doc prescribed) and my pain doc asked me why I was taking methadone. Uh...what??? LOL. I'm on Tramadol why would I take methadone it makes no sense I told him. He was nice enough to look up the new drug Verapamil I was on and realized and apologized that it causes false positives. But this happens all the time, my friend stupidly ate a poppy seed bagel like she does every morning before a drug test and tested positive.. She was denied the job (a nurse) she worked SO hard to get. So many false positives. I worked in a drug testing facility years ago and they make mistakes all the time and they know it.

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My recent drug test came up positive for methadone. I do not take methadone. My doctor finally figured out it was from my Verapamil. These drugs should come with warnings, it's very embarrassing to be accused of taking drugs you do not take.

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Angel, After seeing a'll the drugs you said you've done, I believe you have a drug problems, of course you're urine will be dirty!

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