How Long Does Taking Adderall Stay In Your Urine (Top voted first)


I don't use adderall regularly but I took a little piece of a 30 prob. 5 or 10mg I have a drug test in 5 days will I pass it?

3 Replies

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I don't take adderall normally but I took a piece about a 5mg late Friday and had a urine drug test on Monday morning. Will I pass?

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I took a 15mg adderall friday night around 11:45pm and have a drug test on monday morning. Will it show up? I've been drinking plenty of fluids and urinating frequently.

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The half life of Adderall is around 10 hours so if you want to be safe try to give yourself a week. Remember that every 10 hours your body will metabolize half of what you took, so it goes from 1 to 1/2 to 1/4 to 1/8 etc every 10 hours. So to Steve in the original post I think you might be okay but the others may have to jump through some hoops. How did you all do?

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