How Long Does Hydrocodone Side Effects Last After Stop Taking Them (Top voted first)


Iv took pain for i want quit how long does the side effects last?

6 Replies

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It usually takes at least 3 to 4 days, of taking nothing at all...I'm on day 5 and starting to feel better..takes a good. Month , depending upon how long ,how much and how your body metabolizes ... Hang in there..the first 3 days are the worst of it. Good luck..

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The last 4days I have took 5to 6 hydrocodone 10/325 a day yesterday I didn't and today I didn't but I still feel light headed and flirting in my chest how long Will it last

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I have been taking around 30 mgs of oxy contin 2x daily for prostate issues,recently got ahold of op 80 time. Release what should I expect I just took one 20 min ago?

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Hello Dave.....Go to The Road Home and check out their protocol. I am nearly off all of the horrible drugs I was taking. You won't be sorry you took the time to check it out. Bless you

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Hello, Dave! How are you?

Tapering off of them, rather than stopping cold turkey would best and should help to minimize the withdrawal symptoms.

Have you consulted your doctor? They should be able to help you set up an appropriate tapering schedule.

I can't really give you a definitive time frame for how long they will last, a lot of it depends on your body and how it reacts, but usually it takes a week or two.

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Just started subs 8m.g 2m.g...six days ago...I had a tooth pulled and now have dry long will the subs remain in my system?

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