How Long Does Gabapentin Stay Detectable In Your Blood
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Have been taking gabapentin 3600mg's before bed, around 9. I also take omezaprole 20mg OTC in the morning when I wake up around 8am. Recently had a blood test to make sure was taking the gabapentin. The test was done approximately 14-15 hrs after the last dose, and 4hours after taking 20mg of omezaprole. Will I test positive? I have been taking for over three years, and I seem to metabolize everything faster than the average person.

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Re: karen (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

It stays in your system for about 48 hrs for urine. blood is more reliable and shows up longer. not sure how long but everything I have read says a couple of days bc the it is not metabolized through the liver.

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i have to get blood work in the labs it been about 18 day will gabapentin show up

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