How Long Does Dilaudid Stay In Baby's System (Top voted first)


My friend took a 4mg dilaudid today and shes 38 wks pregnant. She wants to know if it will show up in the baby's system. She's having a c section in 4 days

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Seriously that's awful. "Your friend" doesn't need to have a child in her custody.

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Is this person for reals? Her "friend" is abusing pain meds "DRUG'S" while pregnant? Wth is wrong with people? I was only able to have 1 child and bc of health problems I couldn't have anymore! It really makes me sick when I hear about i*****s on this earth that have kid's and SHOULDN'T! I will be praying for that poor innocent child. How awful that the baby has a very SELFISH "mother" (I use that word very lightly) bc she's not a mother, she's more of a MONSTER!

Editor's note: this thread has been locked because it violates our terms of use.

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