How Long Does Dilaudid Show Up In Urine


IF U GET 120 OF D8s and i got jumped and they took them and i only got 7 left and i am supposed to take 4aday. can they tell the level on what i took? plus i want to know will i show up for the sign of me taking my pills? what i want to know now is will i show positive, cause i need too?

2 Replies

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I would like to no if Dilaudid will show up in doctor drug text went to ER on Tuesday Im on 10 mg of Lotab they gave me a 1 mg of Dilaudid through a shot went to doctors on Thursday they did a drug text for my medication I show them the paper what the ER doctor gave me but it was like they wouldn't listen to me please tell me what it will show up as thank u

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Straight up inform your doctor That you have the paperwork And don't sweat it. You will be fine

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