How Long Does Crack Cocaine Stay In Your System For A Drug Test (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Its been four days since I consumed about an eight ball of cocaine, and I'm expected to take a urine screen tomorrow. will I test clean?

76 Replies (4 Pages)

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It been 7 days since I had crack cocaine. How long does it take to clear out of my urine?

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My boyfriend has to go to dr office tomorrow 3pm tomorrow tuesday january10th for a urine test and he has been a everyday user of crack for a few months now he last used Friday january6th what can he do to try in past test

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I had a bad month where I took an extreme amount of cocaine every single day. Only a few of the days it was with alcohol. It will be 29 days being clean. Do I have a chance of passing a urine test?

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I took crack on Monday and have to take a test on Wednesday. Will I pass?

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You cant do drugs and expect to piss clean a day or two later...

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If i had crack on Friday will it show up on Monday in my urine?

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It's been 3 1/2 days since I had crack cocaine. I took a test and I drank plenty of water. Will I show positive or what?

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If I take crack cocaine, will it be out of my system in three days?

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How long will it take to get crack out of your hairget crack of your hair get cracks out of your hair get crack out your hair Take crack get out of your hair perm.

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I had coke on monday morning... have not had it in months. Will it be out of my system this morning by nine am?

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if you use for two weeks solid how long does it take to get out your syteam for a urine test my urine test is on wensday

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I had crack on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, but I have an appointment on Wednesday. What can I do to get clean?

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No you will not be clean..i did the same and thought i was safe after9days..the drug test was front drug Court which is higher tech and much more sensitive.

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If you use often it can take up to 2 weeks, this is if you don't atleast try to flush it out (drink tons of water)
You can flush it in 5 days but you have to drink tons of water and I mean tons of water, if you barely use it then you may be able to flush it in 3 days, but I've never passed a test in less than 5 days

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I had crack on late/early Sunday morning. I had a blood test between 11:30am and noon on Monday. I did not expect a blood test. Will the drug be detected in my blood? I urinated many, many times and drank Cranberry juice. Yet, I also drank beer.
Please let me know...

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Drink lots of water and put lemon in it. Lemon detoxes the body.

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No it doesn't. Stop trying to scare people. S*** we're already paranoid.

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With exercise for a urine drug screen, a lot of sweating, a lot of water, after 3 days it will be out of your urinary tract.

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I would like to kno the answer I'm in same situation

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Re: Nono (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I did some crack Friday until 2in the morning I have to take a drug test Monday will it been in my system if I drink lots of water please tell me the truth

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