How Long Does Clindaycim Remain In Your System


I was wondering how long clindaycim remains in your system after taking it for about two days

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Hello, Laurel! How are you?

Approximately 10 to 18 hours, so not very long. However, if you had a bad reaction to it, it may take a few days for your body to adjust and return to normal.

Did you have a problem taking it?

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I have been taking clindamycin 300 for 2 days my arms feel like something is eating my skin. Can not sleep

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I took two clindamycin 300mg Monday night and had a drug panel Wednesday morning. Should I be worried about a positive?

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My daughter was taking clindamycin for mouth and ear pain caused by impacted wisdom teeth. She is allergic to penicillin products and was prescribed clindamycin. Her dose was 10ml 3 times a day in liquid form because she is unable to swallow pills. After taking it on the 5th day, she experienced burning of the throat and sore throat pain. We stopped the antibiotic immediately. It has been 39 hours since she stopped taking it and still has the burning of the throat and sore throat pain. How long will it take for this to subside and is there anything I can give her to alleviate the burning and sore throat pain?

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She is having an allergic reaction. About 10% of people allergic to pencillian are allergic to clindamyacin. They are related to one another....I just found out the hard way.

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