How Long Do You Have To Take Methadone To Get Withdrawal Symptoms (Top voted first)
UpdatedSo if you are in severe pain and in the middle of nowhere and the only thing anyone has is methadone if you only took it once till you could get back and get help would you go through withdrawals?
20 Replies
This medicine... in cases of severe opiate addicts...I have seen methadone take many people in our area from needle junkies to living an actual productive life and reuniting with friends and family. Yes, it's strong and strictly for true addicts that are going to continue to use till death anyway! It does save many lives and families.... My husband is on it..13yrs now, he works, and is a normal productive part of society now! Also we have the true Husband, Father, Step dad, etc back that we thought we may lose to opiates and other drugs...we almost did. So for us and many families we have met in na groups, this med has been a God send! :-). Bless y'all!
Hello, Ricky! How are you?
According to the FDA information on Methadone, it has happened to some people, but it is a very rare occurrence. One would usually have to take it for a longer period of time to experience withdrawals. With one dose, you'll usually just feel sick and fatigued, afterwards.
This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
Is there anything else I can help with?
I know this is an old post, but I'd just like to say that one dose of ANYTHING will NOT cause withdrawals. You have to take something long enough and in high enough amounts to become addicted to it to suffer withdrawals. You CAN, however, face very serious side effects from meds that are very strong like methadone, and those side effects can be just like symptoms of withdrawals, but not to worry, it will end after you stop taking the med instead of being prolonged days, weeks, even months. Just don't make those meds a habit or you will end up asking for withdrawal advice!
Methadone is a life saver. I had took lorcet for ten years and one day doctor tells me that he has to get me off the meds I was on so that's when I started taking methadone but after 90 days he takes me straight off of it and I went through an extreme time in my life with withdraws. Wish I could find another Doc. it is truly the best medicine out there for pain and addicts.
This is absolutely true,I to have went through the same situation with my husband and it's a Godsend! He's been on it now for about 13yrs as well. He went off of it once about 6months ago and went right back to the needle. We are blessed that he is back on the methadone maintenance program. He doesn't get a "high" from it,it just helps him live a normal life. People cannot tell he takes it,it just keeps the strong withdrawals away daily and he is back to the wonderful man I fell in love with!
I'm in the same shape but can't find a doctor that will wright them.
No if u take methdone just a couple days u won't withdrawal it don't happing over night
Suboxones r better than methadone, but either way they're both better than abusing dope. God bless you for staying with your man. My wife left because of the money. She married an old guy. I've been on suboxones for 5 yrs now and have restarted my fence and deck businesses back. I'm doing way better than before. Her loss but I'm glad she's got her free ride. I'm more emotional. You stay good or bad till death do u part. Bless u
Just don't take more than 3 days u won't have antwithdrawl drs don't know what us experience d drug addicts know
This is crazy you will not be transformed into some junkie just from one use
Not just once? That only applies to crack this is only a reply not a letter
NO if you are saying you are going to take one (1) pill and then never take another opiate.......You will not have physical withdrawals. If someone disagrees with me please send me an email with some documentation, because I have heard of people becoming physically dependent after three days. I also know it only takes getting high on ANY DRUG ONE TIME for the addiction process to start and once you start taking the drugs again and again you are finished and your life will change forever!
No, I took Methadone for several years as a pain medication. I did have physical withdrawals so I got on Suboxone. The Doctors (two) told me to keep taking the Suboxone for pain because it was non-addictive........THEY LIED. I have come to the realization that if you are on pain medication and physically dependent and want or need to stop the opiates, use the Suboxone for the withdrawal symptoms. It works miracles and after two to three days stop altogether and suffer and take tylenol or ibuprofen. If you have to be on pain meds like I do, I try to take them for a maximum time of three days and then stop for three days. So far that has kept my body from becoming psychically addicted. Note: There is a big difference from physical dependence and addiction. Some doctors don't even recognize this. For physical addiction to opiates, a person may need to stay on suboxone or one of the similar drugs for the rest of their lives to curve the cravings and allow them to stay clean from the other drugs. The suboxone doesn't make me feel euphoric and it's not very good for pain. I am going to get back on Oxycodone and try to keep my use down to two days on, two days off.
No it just don't happen that fast. But you are likely to enjoy it so much that you will go back to it. But don't because that will be your worst nightmare when you decide to stop. Methadone has the worst w/d in the world I promise.
You should already be an addict before touching methadone. You do not take as a pain killer like paracetamol.
If you only took methadone would not have withdrawal at all.
Only once ought to be okay. Stay away from that stuff, the withdrawal is more brutal than Oxy or Fentanyl. It was developed by the Germans in the 1930s, and they discontinued it because it isn't a good drug. It was re-discovered in the 1960s as a "miracle" drug to help addicts get free of opiates. Instead, it just addicted them to Methadone.....its a dreadful drug. I have never seen anyone get addicted to anything using it is continuing it that causes physical addiction.
most likely not if you only took it once, especially if you are not already dependant on opioids/opiates to begin with. i wouldnt recomend it tho because methadone is a long acting drug that takes a long time to kick in and it is very strong, meaning it has a very high potential to kill you. are you really having pain or are you having withdrawals? if you are having both then yeah it would probably hold you until you get back assuming you dont over dose but it is not a good idea. if i were you i would call an ambulance if you are truly going through that much pain but something tells me you are just a junkie that is not sure if they want to waste their money on methadone. ill tell you this, it wont get you the kind of high you usually get, its not a fun drug to take. the most you will do is feel sleepy after 5 hours and wake up dehydrated and one step closer to becoming dependant on opioids,
DO NOT TAKE METHODONE IF YOU HAVE USED SUBOXONE IN THE LAST 3 DAYS. I promise you it will be the worst day of your life. You think wds are bad. Taking methodone will intensify the wds 10 times worse. I did it believe me THE F***ING DAY OF MY LIFE
Blue Eyes you are wrong Methadone has the longest liver pass and I have seen it in the professional arena and it is heart breaking. This drug literally is IMMEDIATE and dope sick even from one's day use will occur. The party will feel so bad they will do anything to feel better. And that will likely be yep another dose.
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