How Long Before Testopel Pellets Start Working? (Page 4)
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Just had Testopel pellets inserted in my backside. Forgot to ask doctor how long until they take effect. He's out of town.

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YUP GL... As for me, I started the Clomid! Found a Testosterone Clinic - went over my scenario and they started me on Shots. now Pellets and Shots - I am looking forward to results here soon. I was told it to take about under a month before I see any changes and I wait patiently Welcoming positive results. Lord know that already having issues, One looks for Positive results. This situation really works on us! I am sure we all feel the same way. Pellets, I remember getting mine and feeling like a Spark. I thought it was just me though I realize now that it was Certainly the effect of the Pellets. I am 2 months from seeing my Dr. again for my refill and I am feeling the Sluggishness. I believe I hate that the most. Saw my Urologist who mentioned the 10 Pellets I was given may just be a bit too little for my case. The Pellets I got were the first set the Dr. was being conservative. I believe I will get more than the 10 next time and should last me longer as 10 didn't last long enough. O boy - I pray to be able to give you guys better Great news here soon. Anyone else out there - New updates?? Kenny - let us know how it goes.. I didn't too much like the Pellet Process - BUT - I look forward to the next as I felt faster results than ever before.

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Kenny G: good luck with your pellet procedure. I hope it goes well and that the results are promising. I agree with you that this forum -- consisting of men directly affected -- is such because of the ongoing support and encouragement.

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I am getting my first pellets implanted tomorrow. When I started getting shots a few years back my level was 95. The shots were difficult to get on a regular basis, so my levels really got where they needed to be. My drive is nonexistent so I am hoping for a miracle with the pellets. I don't know how many pellets I will be getting but I will post tomorrow with an update. Reading a lot of the posts on here have given me hope.

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WOW - well, I think that I felt an immediate impact. As I continued to feel bad about the Shrinkage of the Testies, I found No resolve with my Dr.'s. Clomed is Not an Approved, so Iended up going to a T Clinic. Now They "R" approved to care with Clomid. Going Monday to look further into getting them to perscribe it and I can't wait to get all cleared medically so that I can see the results they have alreaady stated I will have.... I will keep us all Posted...

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When I had ten pellets inserted my MD did not stitch the small cut closed, but instead put a waterproof bandage on it. My butt was sore for about a week. I was to get more pellets every three months but decided to go back to gel. At the start my T was 610, but at 14 weeks it was only 300.

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Great to know - Thanks! I know that I was put on the Pellets so I am more stable.. I don't see Doc til March.. A bit concerned here. Need to be patient. The Shrinkage really bothers me!

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There was a typo, sorry about that - it's 14 weeks, not months (!) and I'm 66.

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Marc, I am also one of the men who burn through pellets fast. I am on a 3 month cycle and will reach 600 in the early stages dropping to the 300 ranges at 3 months. I get 12 pellets. My doctor talked with me yesterday about switching back to shots to keeping my T levels higher. Now they will let me give myself the shots at home which solved the problem of once every two weeks to a doctors office. Looking at the control I think he may be right and at the end of this cycle I may switch back to the shots.
The clomiphene I take prevents Testicle shrinkage. They have been used for close to 50 years and have few if any side effects on me. It will take a while for you to see the boys coming back, but after a month they will kick back in gear. The advantage is it buffers the T levels at the end of a cycle.

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WOW - Mark, really? I am not sure I will be OK with... Whats your age again? How do You feel iside over the difference? Thanks for sharing... 43 here incase U wondering..

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At 14 months my T dropped from 605 to 305. I can see the disadvantage of the pellets because of this. I could keep my T at 700 day after day with 10g of gel. I don't know what you can do for the shrunken testicle issue - after 8 years I think mine just about dissolved.

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Hello everyone! Happy New Year... Praying the best for all!

My update: I am into my 4th month is it? I have started to feel sluggish, and that Slow & Sleepiness.. Looking towards getting on Clomed still, I can't stand it.. The highs are Great.. The Lows are bad.. Now seeing the smaller Testicals, all else that comes with - I feel worse..

I definately need more Pellets and a fix to the shrunken Testical issue. Time is precious and these issues bother to the extreme of my desire to be as many other guys who don't suffer this as we do..

I am sure they have there very own unique issues but these are mine and I wish I didn't have them..

Any new thoughts/findings from any of You as always will be appreciated..
thanks Guys!

Again - Happy And Blessed New Years to You all!

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Another fix for that is every 3 month give blood. That will help and you will not have to take pills.

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Happy Holidays to all of you also. I go back for blood work on Jan 4th, and than the implants on the 12th. I can tell it is lower, but still OK, just will be good to get a full charge again.

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Thanks! I as well am OK.. Still worry it all drops off before next incertion but its all a waiting game now..

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In about 12hours or so start to dissolve. So within a day for sure

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Leo.... and ALL the other guys on this site! My holiday/New Year's wish for you is that you have a 'personal peace' in the coming new year. With that, all - or at least a majority of our concerns are being taken care of.

Thank you to all who have supported not only me, but been free to give of your time, wisdom and experience(s) to others. Happy New Year! Bring it on!

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Happy Holidays to all You Guys! I pray we All got Our Pellets and are able to enjoy the End of year in all aspects possible!

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Thanks Brian. I appreciate you taking the time to respond. Illinois -- it is in bad shape and "craziness" seems to rule in almost ALL areas where government can get their hand into it. I truly don't understand the logic. I'm not sure of the $ per inj., but I'm getting every two (2) weeks, so in a 3-month period, I'd be going 6-7 times. I know it has something to do with reimbursing the physicians. The statue prevents MEDICARE from paying more than a certain amount to the physician, but will reimburse pharmacies if I am able to find a pharmacy where I can go and pick up the pellets myself. I have yet to be able to do the 'legwork' necessary to see if I can do that.

Didn't mean to sound like "Scrooge" in my earlier post. I'm gonna blame it on my "yuckies" as I near the end of my cycle, ready to have the TESTOPEL implanted again and instead relying on the inj's. Again -- I apologize. Just lettin' off some steam. Instead, I should be grateful that I'm -- at least -- able to get the inj's. Without that....... well....... I don't even wanna think about that. Happy holidays to you, my friend.

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So - Are you new to the Pelletts? Now I am really into wanting to feel the full effect. So far just the Morning effect is what I see differently...


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so in my experience injections 25$ for 3 months with injection every week and is way cheaper. then androgel with insurance and help from company that makes it its about 50 dollars a month. then theirs the pellets which i just did yesterday and for 10 pellets it was 1025.00 for up to 6 moths but average is 4 months. definitely pellets less work of course but not the cheapest. this is in Washington state. might differ in other states why i don't know. but the injection spike your testosterone every time taken pellets one time and more consistent.

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