How Long Before Testopel Pellets Start Working? (Page 3)
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Just had Testopel pellets inserted in my backside. Forgot to ask doctor how long until they take effect. He's out of town.

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Oh man Bob... Your in Prayer. The thing is, One never knows what tomorrow will bring. I was bumped up to next Tuesday for 12 Insertions.. My prayer is that we all were to just get better from al of this here soon. I know it is tiring! hang in there and thanks for sharing.. Maybe you and I are the remaining, though I pray others do chime in as for me, it truly helps me know things can be either better or worst.. This is crazy but know in some of what your going thru - Your not alone...

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Hey guys! Got the results of my MRI today and it was NOT what I was hoping for. Office said it showed "HIGHLY suspicious of cancer" of prostate. Because of scheduling, will have my FIFTH prostate biopsy on April 18, this one under general anesthesia because they want to be as inclusive as possible in the area that is problematic. Guess I'll be a bit surprised if cancer as I had my last of four (4) previous prostate biopsies last year and everything was negative. I've had an ongoing prostate infection for the last fifteen (15) years, resulting in my being on an antibiotic of one form or another all that time. This bad infection is what caused the necessity of having to have my left testicle removed: the infection had invaded the testicle and 'eaten thru' a portion of it, thus my source of extreme pain. I'm again having the bad pain, but it is where the testicle used to be. Doc said it could be -- after all this time -- the nerves trying to reconnect and regenerate from the surgery. Wanted to update you as to what is happening. Obviously, I am in "Testopel Limbo", not being able to receive any HRT because hormone "feeds" prostate cancer. Hope things going well with all you guys.

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hey thats a sign of high estrogen, might want to talk to a doctor about an AI

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Hey Leo! Years ago when I had my first TESTOPEL pellets implanted, I felt better by the following morning. Taking into account the 'psychological expectations' that I had, I cannot document whether it was ALL from a physical improvement or not. Definitely improvement in libido by 3rd day. As I said, I'm in a 'holding pattern' until after the prostate MRI on Tuesday and results of it. Should it show 'something/anything', they will 'put me out' in a few days and do an extensive prostate biopsy. I'd be surprised if any cancer, because had biopsy last year and they did 24+ tissue samples, none of them showing problem. We'll see. I, realize, of course that should there be any cancer, that will be the END of my TESTOPEL or any kind of HRT. I'm not sure how I'll cope, but will do so because there will be no other choice. I too have the 'tender/sore' testicles and have had so within the 3rd or 4th implants. They are EXTREMELY sensitive (and not in the 'good way'). Have the 'go-ahead' for CLOMID now (even have my RX filled), but, of course, can do nothing now until results of testing. Keep the faith guys! Always interested to know what is going on with who.

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Hey Ed... I can tell ya - When I got mine the first time, I felt like a spark at first. Didn't think much of it - Then noticed after a few weeks the difference. I guess it depends on how low your T is. Thoughts Mr. Bob? - You agree? I will share - as mentioned, I had a Dr. appointment today. Though I am currently close to low 200's, All my Stats are stabilizing. I will be back for more Pellets here in three weeks. Sadly, there wasn't a slot for me sooner. I am Excited. He also checked, Testies and all else down there Looks like all is glowing again. (For lack of better words here) Yes - I am very Happy. Not just cause that which I mentioned, but the following which I was feeling lately again He mentioned without my telling.

1. Tender Testies - (Normal and Good he said),
2. No tender Nipples any more for a long time now &
3. Mood, Energy and Desire, (U know what I mean) are low now.

This Dr. I am Definitely Excited with. I never felt this good after an appointment. Even though I have a few weeks before my Pellets, I am OK cause I am feeling the same Finally as other Guys!!

I will be getting 12 Pellets this next time around. Had 10 the first time. Both he and My Urologist both agree 10 was too low. Now, 12 - He continues to be conservative. I am OK with as I am feeling good. I certainly don't want to be Greedy.. No need to rush - Right Guys?

Updates\Questions\Concerns??? I am here - things looking good for me.. Good luck you all....

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Leo: B'gosh and B'gorrah, my friend. May the luck 'O the Irish be with ye' at your appointment. Hope all goes well.

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Hey Kenny - Thanks!

I have an Appointment with Dr. on Friday - lets see what he says.. I am sure to share!.. Anyone else out there?

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Bob I am sorry about your PSA, my dad had prostate problems but he died at 69 from other problems. I have had mine checked and so far so good. And thank you for your concern and I am happy to report that all is good. The pellet insertion site was quite painful for about a week and what ever illness I had has passed. I have had the pleasure of waking up to some morning wood, which hasn't happened in years! I am weaning myself off of LEXAPRO which had a side effect of low libido. And that's not any fun!
Leo, you are correct this discussion thread needs to continue! I had felt like I was alone in this process and it's nice to have someone to talk with that is going through the same things. I am now three weeks post procedure and do feel better but not like when I was younger. I hope you can get the sluggishness behind you. Keep up the updates and I will try the same.

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You are right Leo, that "Sharing is Caring". I like that! I appreciate you and all the guys who take the time to respond and offer their own individual experiences and thoughts about things.

I was particularly interested from those who have taken Clomid as to whether, they, too, took only for a week and then then did not take again until a week prior to TESTOPEL implants. 'Course now, since I am in a "holding pattern", I don't guess I'll be experiencing this for awhile. MRI scheduled for week from today (March 21). Anything 'suspicious', and then go in for my fourth (4th) prostate biopsy, this one while "under" so they can be as invasive as need be. I'm of the belief that since I had a prostate biopsy last September and they found nothing, the "jump" in the PSA this time from a 5.4 to a 9.1 is from something else. Wait and see. Wait and see. Wait and see. My new "mantra" throughout all of this! *grin* Cheers you guys!

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Hey Mr. Bob.. Thanks for the update. Definately, this is suffered by many of us Guys. I have accepted, NOTHING to be ashamed of. With Proper wording and respect, We as Guys can actually talk and gain thru this site. I do know I feel better talking about it and since I am now convinced, "There is nothing to be ashamed of", Here I am. Any little bit can help... Who know's - Imagine we ALL End up Well by sharing as My Family say's and back me up with this site's chat, "Sharing Is Caring"!

Blessings to all... New, Young \ Old, bring it... The more we know the better we feel and like I said, One or the other may have the answer to bring One of us Improvements we can and all know we Love.

Till later...

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Leo: First of all, I am hoping that Kenny is feeling better after his 'episode' before. And Leo, I indeed know the feeling of the sluggishness to which you refer. I have been having problem(s) with Medicare and not wanting to pay for pellets anymore. Not sure of the problem, really after all this time. Talked to urologist re: Clomid and he agreed to start me on that. Strange regime as to take ONLY one (1) week before getting TESTOPEL and for only a week's duration. Still, was excited to try it out. Then......... BAM!!! Unexpected PSA results going up to a 9.1 from 5.4 just since October. I've had three (3) prostate biopsies, latest one in 2016, but this big rise seems significant. So next week, I am to have an MRI of prostate. If anything 'suspicious' is detected, my follow-up will be ANOTHER prostate biopsy, but this time, with me being "under" so that they can be more aggressive and complete, I guess. (Not sure how more 'complete' they can be as they took 25 different sites in last biopsy.) Needless to say.... everything is on "hold". No TESTOPEL..... no Clomid.... no nothing until the PSA rise is explained. I'm feelin' "yucky". (This is a lesser-known medical term that takes the place of another word that you all know, but it is not acceptable on this site!) *grin* We'll get thru it. Just the waiting and not feeling so good, while waiting for problem(s) to be found out and then treated and dealt with. Take care, guys! I, too hope this site continues as it is always a place to gain information, trade experiences and receive support. Have a good day, guys!

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Hello everyone.. Are we down to only the 3 or 4 of us left? Would love this chat to remain. It's helped me a lot! As for me, I have started the Clomed... I feel it is working.. Still, as I try U know - Checking down under, I am left wondering if it is or is not working. I can't confirm as I do not want to fool myself. I just went and bought my second dosage. I have been on it now for about a month. As for My T levels, Low 200 range again. Frustrated here - lol. Reached out to my Dr. and advised him that the Urologist made mention he should not have been so conservative with the ten pellets so - now I wait. All was good until around this month, feeling the tiredness - etc. Again... thoughts? Updates Guys?? I Pray all are well!

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Hay Leo, I am 51. I think the reaction that I had was not related to the pellets but triggered by the procedure. My wife is sick and I might have been holding the same sickness at bay but the procedure was too much for my system to handle and hit me hard.

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Oh Kenny! Be careful. I'm surprised the doc/nurse left you alone until you were "up". Keep us posted. Never heard of that reaction before.

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Oh boy Mr. Kenny sorry to hear. So remind me what is your age? I am 43 and was wondering because I as well had a blood disorder there for a moment due to other medicine which I had been on but supposedly due to my age is the reason why it was certainly an issue. I was told that at this age many things change in the email body. Quite funny to me, what else how frustrating. So you may want to look into that as well. I know it is hard to have to deal with but so far - The pellets to me may be the way to keep going though I do not like the insertion but with them and the Clomid now I am hanging strong. The rebuild of the my testees size and being able to be overall better with the testosterone level - I am looking forward to a huge change in my life. I most certainly will keep you all posted - good luck to us all. Anyone else out there care to share?

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Hey Mr. Bob how are you? All is running well on the side of the world. Sorry to hear that, the sluggishness is. I totally understand! Hopefully the Clomid will be of some help. Have you researched it? I had and that is where I came up with the desire for. Maybe your urologist will be able to prescribe - mine didn't. anyway still not seen any change but after calling the practitioner, I was told to hang tight. With in the next week or two, I should see some growth. I cannot wait!

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Ok, here is my post procedure post. Just got 14 pellets and didn't feel any pain or discomfort until after the Dr and nurse left the room and got up from the table. That part was not fun! My hearing and vision started to go and almost passed out, I made it to a chair and started sweating profusely. This lasted about 15 minutes. It's been a hour now and I can't get warm but at least I am at home in my comfy chair. I will keep you up to date on my progress.

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Hey Leo: Good to hear from you again. I've kept up with your story since you started posting. I am hoping that you will get the results you want very soon. Ten (10) pellets not enough for you and I've heard a couple other guys say the same thing. I've run into a problem where the pellets (actually injections, too) have given me a 'side effect' of high hemoglobin in my blood test. High enough that now my oncologist is limiting both the frequency and the amount of testosterone that I receive. Apparently high hemoglobin increases risk of strokes in some men. So ... ... ... ... .................. because of all that, I reduced to only six (6) pellets and cannot have more frequently than every four (4) months. The 'down time' (time between) treatments is very difficult for me. The sluggishness, fatigue, lack of energy, depression etc. ...............ALL haunt me during this time. I've recently brought up the Clomid possibility to my urologist and we will be discussion this soon. It sounds like it would be at least a help, acting as a 'bridge' between treatments. Any one else have any problems with high hemoglobin?

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Sorry to hear that Marc.. I do hope this isn't my scenario. Here both at the Clinic and Dr.'s Office, I am being SOLD that this is "It".... God be with - right?

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I got ten pellets and at 13 weeks my T was down to 300. I went back on Gel and keep my T at 700 all the time.

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