How Long Before Testopel Pellets Start Working? (Page 35)
UpdatedJust had Testopel pellets inserted in my backside. Forgot to ask doctor how long until they take effect. He's out of town.
So, my test results are back. My T level is now 811, free T is 155. Thyroid, B12 and everything else looks great except Vitamin D is 34 which is almost considered deficient. I've been taking 8,000 vitamin D3 per day for the last 10 days or so, so that should go up. I now feel better than pre pellets, had morning wood a couple of days in a row. I'm also a little more mentally alert, but other than that no huge noticeable improvement yet. Notice that my T level went down from 1275 to 811 in less than 3 weeks, not sure if that quick downhill fall is common. Still waiting for a more noticeable improvement, my pellets were $600 and not covered by insurance.
Re: Scott (# 681)
Sounds like good report overall. Understood your concern, especially with insurance not covering. Ouch! Vitamin D deficiency is actually very common with all people, especially if you are not out in sun or use a lot of sunblock. You will find with your supplement, it will be back in normal range soon. Take care!
Re: Scott (# 681)
Hey man! Overall, you're on the way forward... With the pellets, your T’s will settle and based on how many pellets you get, they will work in you like in a more consistent fashion... It's supposed to make your T more stable than Inj's., etc.... Good luck man... You're on the right track... One thing, did you bruise a lot?
Has anyone had an instance where 2 months after the Testopel procedure the pellets start either rejecting or being pushed out? Too shallow for placement or rejection? I was sore for 7-10 days after the procedure but all seemed well until 7-10 days ago when I felt a small lump forming at the insertion site, culminating with 4-5 pellets falling out with what seems like an infection?
Re: Joe (# 684)
Good morning, Joe: two (2) months AFTER implantation seems like a strange/unlikely time for pellets to work themselves out. Not doubting you; just not understanding. Doc definitely needs to be informed. Good luck, Joe.
Re: Bob (# 685)
Hello everyone. Just got my 8 inserted yesterday. This time, I didn't feel anything. Dr. did a great job. A bit sore this morning which I am sure it is due to my busy day yesterday, today and the rest of the weekend. Aside of that - my journey has been great. I noticed last time when they had dissolved and YUP it was time for more. Issues after a few weeks as Joe mentioned shouldn't occur.
Also - the Clomid was a success. Mission accomplished.
Its been a while since anyone's posted. Wondering if anyone new. Mid 40's as that is where Age I fall into and would like to be able to toss the Ball around and compare Journeys.
Looking forward to response's....
Re: Luis (# 686)
So good to hear of your success recently. I was a bit 'baffled' from your last post, pellets 'working themselves out' after such a long time. But, it sounds like this time, Doc got them 'anchored' well and that you are in minimal discomfort. Sorry can't help you with the "40-year-old age range" comments. I'm nearing in on 73. Because of insurance issues that occurred about 18 months ago, I am now -- instead of the pellets -- giving myself 'injections' every other week. Good results with 'morning wood' and increased energy etc.; but -- no surprise -- I now have the 'ups and downs' of injections. Continued good luck to you, my friend.
Re: Bob (# 687)
Hey - Leo here. Somethings happened with naming. I didn't have the Insertion pop-outs. It was someone else. Sorry - though Nice hearing from you again. Hopefully others will post. Guesst the Insertion discomfort is no more for you. Though I don't like it - they are working for me so I will suck it up....
Re: Leo (# 688)
Hey Leo! Good to hear from you, too. Must be computer gremlins as when I posted it was to Luis and showed so on my screen. Anyway, the 'goof' connected us again. Glad you are doing well. Stay well, my friend!
Re: robertj (# 20)
10? My doc puts 22 in me. Gets my level from 127 to 1200. I feel best around 900.
10 isn’t going to get you very high. 3-6 is pointless.
Re: Toki (# 690)
Nice.. I think the same! How old are you? I also believe it has to do with Age... 44 here! I have maxed out at 10 so far... How long have you been on them?
Re: Leo (# 691)
Hello out there.. anyone on Pellets still? I go for a checkup next week... any progress out there?
Re: Leo (# 692)
Hey Leo: I've gone to injections which I do myself, every other week. Effects more stable and long-lasting. Working well for me. Hope you are well.
Re: Johnny (# 426)
I just got my pellet insertion (12) on December 26. I had similar issues as you did. I had three different tests. My low ones were 300. I’m hoping that my levels will start going up soon. I have noticed that I am more alert recently. What else should I expect?
Re: Jim (# 694)
have you tried the Generic Cialis 5 mg? I think somethings different with this one pill.... :)
35 year old male. Pre TRT levels of 200-280. Been on Testopel off and on for 2.5 years. It really does the trick for me. It takes the right doctors, the right lab work and the right person. Be persistent, you deserve to feel good again. Hoping this post will help others as there seems to be conflicting and an overall lack of information online about pellets.
I tried Clomid and HCG - nothing.
Testopel the first time was 10 pellets of Testopel. Levels went up to 800-900 and decreased over 3 months (rather than four as stated). I wasn't sure it was working, I didn't particularly notice a huge difference. My doctors says the body doesn't know to 'look' for the testosterone and the receptors decline with disuse. I let my second insertion lag a bit. The doctor said something people don't notice they were better until they come off of it. This was true of me. I noticed when I slumped in between insertions. My second insertion we upped the dosage to 12 pellets. I noticed a lot more clarity, focus, drive, just getting s*** down like I used to in life. Libido was improved as well. Waking up 4/7 mornings with healthy morning wood. It does ebb downwards towards end of month 3 and into month four so we track blood work religiously (some of this is recommended, but I push for a bit more). So when the numbers dip we re-dose. Next time I did 14. I'll be honest, I didn't 'need' 14 but I had an exciting summer planned and I wanted all the pep in my step. Honestly, it was a bit much. I felt a little overwhelmed with energy. A little trouble sleeping the first couple weeks. It did simmer down. I went back to 12 but would try 14 again. I've cycled off twice to ensure my sperm count would rebound as we are still growing our family. Both times my sperm have bounced back but the first time I was only on TRT about 1.5 years. The second time roughly a year.
About implantation: the butt will hurt for 2, maybe even three weeks. Try to get it as high up as the doctor can. You may find it's not for you. My doctor does flank insertion in my love handles (provided there is enough fat). This is rare. I could not find another doctor that does this. If you do, try it. I get an initial pooling of blood (hemotoma) in both the cheek or flank but given the alternative, I say it's worth it. The procedure is easy and painless, it's the subsequent swelling that's annoying. In the butt it can be more of a pain. Never had any pellets push out. Never had an infection. Insurance covers it. Life is good.
Re: E Money (# 696)
Everything you said, I concur. I had insurance difficulties and they didn't appear to be "fixable ". I ended up switching to injections which I now give myself, every 14 days. (I had a testicle removed in 2010, due to severe prostate infection which invaded the testicle. Such ongoing pain, I could hardly walk before removal.). The injections are perfect for me and handy, giving injections myself. Another option to consider for some ......IF it is "right" for YOUR circumstances. Good luck and good health to all you guys!!!
Re: E Money (# 696)
Nice to meet you. I have tried and my T's are all over the map. Of course - Nothing new to me. I started yesterday night .75 MG xyosted. Supposedly accurate and more stable than even the pellets. That and the new Generic Cialis, daily 5mg... I will share that the Generic Cialis, I definitely see a difference... Pretty frequent woodies thought out the day. I feel I have a package now in my life. I hope that the xyosted completes me and I am finally on the highway to stability for a normal sexual life for once in my life... Have you all heard of it? Thoughts?? Let me know your thoughts. Let me know your thoughts if any. Let's keep this chat going. Makes a difference to know and have chats with others that share the same scenarios in their lives. Hope you all reply soon. :)
Re: E Money (# 696)
I had the issues with the butt insertions so get them in my belly. Have had no problems with that location.
Unfortunately I have other blood issues and a 'bad' result in January led me to delay the latest process. I am still waiting for them to kick in again after 4 months of missed dosing, and 1 week post insertion.
Re: ronbiz31 (# 16)
If you ice the area the day of and the day after the bruising is minimal.
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