How Long Before Testopel Pellets Start Working? (Page 32) (Top voted first)


Just had Testopel pellets inserted in my backside. Forgot to ask doctor how long until they take effect. He's out of town.

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Happy "Almost" May Guys: Just wanted to give you an update as to what has been going on. Three (3) weeks ago I saw a urologist because of a rather drastic spike in my PSA. It went from 5.4 last November to 9.2 this April. Doc did the standard DRE and with the PSA number along with the DRE, said he thought there was a high percentage of malignancy, urged me to get my FOURTH (4th) prostate biopsy and I was hesitant to do it. Doc said it would tell whether the cancer was slow-growing or more aggressive. I hesitated, not wanting to do so, but relented... changing my mind because I was no longer able to get my TESTOPEL, because, as you know the hormone 'feeds' prostate cancer. So, I decided to do so on the 'outside chance' that biopsy results would prove benign. Surprise! Surprise! That's EXACTLY what happened. Doc was MORE THAN surprised that the twelve (12) biopsy samples taken were all benign. I am back on the TESTOPEL and was taught how to give the inj. to myself. It was much much simpler than I ever imagined it to be. 'Though not on the higher dose that I was on before, I am still grateful that I am -- again -- back on my "man juice", as I affectionately call it. I can now give myself the inj. every three (3) weeks, but, as I said, at a reduced dosage. I am grateful. Hope all is going well with you guys. Take care ~

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I had my left testicle removed a year ago. Did 9 testopels and it was ok. Next round bumped to 12 and it was just about right. Could have done more but it was the max I was told. Then my Dr left and it took 5 months to get an appointment. With a T level of 132 today, and 12 pellets inserted I hope for the old me back. I've been struggling to get out of bed, depressed, mentally not sharp at all, with no libido at all. My poor wife thinks it's her. Tough road. I hope it works again. I'm definitely wired tonight. Let's hope I wake up feeling like a man in the morning, because this sucks.

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CM: I can relate. My left testicle was removed in 2010. I went thru all that you are describing. My bottom number of testosterone before HRT began was 87. Since then I've been on either the shots, pellets and now back to the shots (doctor issue, only). I preferred the pellets as the positive effects were more constant. But, I am grateful that I get some assistance in the normalization of my feelings, energy level, libido, moods and sleep issues. Hang in there and I hope you continue to enjoy progress.

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Hey guys! Haven't heard from anyone in some time. Question: I have been noticing a change in the effectiveness after TESTOPEL injections in the past six (6) weeks. I actually noticed it after the first injection. Effects were much less than they have been in the past. Told Doc last week and he said he'd do some labwork. Results came back my total T was only 14. Not understanding the change nor the cause. I'm to see him in a couple weeks to discuss. Any ideas?

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My swelling is way down and no pain anymore had mine done 8 days ago

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Hey guys! We haven't chatted in a while.. I go for my 8 Pelletts Thursday... I can't wait... Glad to hear swellings gone. Thank God! Anyone else sharing? I certainly pray we communicate a bit more. O and my Testies, They are back - Clomid.... Really worked! My Dr also advised I may be able to get rid of Testosterone treatment.... Thank God! Guys - Reply....

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I am on my 2nd round of pellets...1st doc inserted 14 pellets, gave me a script for 20mg was basically a *when needed* pill...after he put me off for almost 6 months for my next insertion, I changed docs...

New doc inserted 12 pellets...said to come back in 3 months...gave me a 5mg daily dose of Cialis...unbelievable results...wife is avoiding me now I

The daily low dose of Cialis is the key for me...however, once the T levels start to drop, the Cialis isn't as need a combination of the two...

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Hey - You are right. I am also on Cialis 5 MG Daily... No headaches and yes easy to go on.... As I am being decreased from the Pellets I will post if I have any changes. I have such a busy schedule, I find myself tired at night - Full desire to be with the wife though little energy to even think about staying up for a little more exercise before the end of the day. Anyone out there feel the same? The flip side - all is working great and morning woodies are great. Never had so many in my life prior to the Pellets. Is this the same for anyone else of you? Kevin, I am in my 40's - How old are you? Looking forward to more chats...

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Re: Luis (# 671) Expand Referenced Message

Hello all.. Any updates from anyone? I pray alls going well with all of You....

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I had ten 200mg BioTE pellets (2000) inserted on August 30th. Had T level tested at 3 weeks, came in at 1275 but i am seeing no results other than more acne, being irritable and a little lower libido, im always tired without caffeine. My level was 338 prior to pellets. I had another blood draw today to see if I need a booster. Anyone heard of no results with this high of level?

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Re: Scott (# 673) Expand Referenced Message

Your post really has me scratching my head! I have never heard of negligible results and with such a high dosage that you received. Have you noticed an increase in 'early morning wood'? How about energy level? Mood changes of any kind? Weight change? With no noticeable POSITIVE changes after receiving your pellets, I think it is very logical for you to check with your Doc and see if (s)he has any thoughts. I'm guessing (s)he will. At least 'some' of the aforementioned things should be occurring to you by now. As a point of reference, I was only receiving three (3) pellets because of other complications and I would notice a change beginning on the 2nd day. I now am doing self-administered testosterone shots (1 ml) every other week and that is working. Please keep us informed. I am curious as well as HOPING you soon receive benefit of a positive form. Take care and good luck!

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Re: Bob (# 674) Expand Referenced Message

Little more information. I'm 43, 1st time for any T therapy, my wife has done several times and it works great with her. I run 2 miles two or three times a week, stretch and do pushups (usual feel to tired to do more). Maybe 3 morning wood out of 6 weeks, Overall my libido isn't much worse than it was before, definitely not better. I felt almost angry and didn't want anyone bothering me at work when I first got the pellets, but my mood is back to pre pellet normal now. This Wednesday will be 6 weeks since implant. It almost seems my level is too high, but I dont know if that is possible. I got pellets mainly for energy with hoping libido would also improve some. Very disappointed and confused up to this point, hopefully when I get my test results back next week I find some answers.

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Re: Scott (# 675) Expand Referenced Message

You have many interesting facts you supplemented me with in your 2nd post. Thanx. One thing I'm wondering: the pellets you named are NOT what I am familiar with. When I was doing the pellets, I was getting TESTOPEL. Perhaps we are talking about two (2) products that different expectations. Your T-level seems unusually high to me, but perhaps it is because different problems duct. Yet .......a T-level is a T-level. I'm 72, have one (1) testicle, due to removal of one in 2000 because "out-of-control prostate infection" ATE THRU testicle wall, causing unbearable pain. The HRT, using pellets worked fine for me, but because I had aprevious melanoma diagnosis, I could only receive three (3) pellets and only every three (3) months. Insurance began to bicker, so Doc asked if I'd give MYSELF testosterone shots and I told him yes. That's what we're doing and is working fine. No pain or difficulty at all. Lots of morning wood, several times during nite and at morning wake-up, every morning. It is a 1 ml injection, every other Saturday. Not sure any of this helps you, but sometimes having additional information is good. Oh yea ....some research suggests that zinc tablets good for prostate health, so I take 50 mg 2X a day. Can't hurt. Keep us posted. Good luck.

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Re: Scott (# 675) Expand Referenced Message

Hey Scott, I am also 43 and am a bit confused. In history you see I have even taken clomid shots to assist - for me, Being on Testosterone for so long, I have lost my testicle size... Dissappointing to me along with the lack of Libido and Desire. I was looking forward to better results. I as well am in huge desire for something more. Has things gotten better for you since your last posting?

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Re: Luis (# 677) Expand Referenced Message

I hope you are finding WHAT you need, Luis. There ARE side effects to HRT, not the least of which is testified shrinkage. Many find help with Clomid. I tried it, but it did not help. Double whammy with small right testicle and NO left testicle. Yet, HRT helps me in so many other ways. Good luck to you.

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Re: Luis (# 677) Expand Referenced Message

I'm still waiting on my test results, but the last few days I have felt more normal and a little less tired. No increase in libido. Definitely no morning wood etc like most guys mention in this thread. I'm hoping my level was just too high at 1275 and as it goes down I will find that magic zone that the other guys (and my wife) have found where they see awesome results. What type of Testesterone therepy have you been on, are you referring to pellets. I have notice smaller testicles but I'm not that concerned since I've had a vasectomy. I'm planning on either getting a booster or waiting for my level to go down, whatever my doctor recommends.

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Re: Scott (# 679) Expand Referenced Message

Hey Scott! I have been on the gel, pellets and injections. I personally find the injections most satisfactory to me. There is not the 'up and down' swinging of results and moods associated with the other methods. I give my injection every other Saturday and find that is good for me. Morning wood is abundant, as well as throughout the night when I wake up. Sex activity averages 2-3 times a week. Because of a previous bout with melanoma, my oncologist must work closely with my urologist as testosterone often raises level of hemoglobin which can be detrimental to health, including stroke possibility. All in all, with docs working together, we are finding the 'balance' that works for me. I am a 72-year-old, having had a testicle removed 17 years ago because of a prostate infection that got out of control and 'ate' through the wall of my left testicle, causing excruciating pain. Good luck with your test results. Keep us posted.

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So, my test results are back. My T level is now 811, free T is 155. Thyroid, B12 and everything else looks great except Vitamin D is 34 which is almost considered deficient. I've been taking 8,000 vitamin D3 per day for the last 10 days or so, so that should go up. I now feel better than pre pellets, had morning wood a couple of days in a row. I'm also a little more mentally alert, but other than that no huge noticeable improvement yet. Notice that my T level went down from 1275 to 811 in less than 3 weeks, not sure if that quick downhill fall is common. Still waiting for a more noticeable improvement, my pellets were $600 and not covered by insurance.

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Re: Scott (# 681) Expand Referenced Message

Sounds like good report overall. Understood your concern, especially with insurance not covering. Ouch! Vitamin D deficiency is actually very common with all people, especially if you are not out in sun or use a lot of sunblock. You will find with your supplement, it will be back in normal range soon. Take care!

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Re: Scott (# 681) Expand Referenced Message

Hey man! Overall, you're on the way forward... With the pellets, your T’s will settle and based on how many pellets you get, they will work in you like in a more consistent fashion... It's supposed to make your T more stable than Inj's., etc.... Good luck man... You're on the right track... One thing, did you bruise a lot?

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