How Long Before My Pain Management Appt Should I Take 1 Norco For The Levels To Show At Their Highest (Top voted first)


I have 1 and a half norco left for before my pain management appt. tomorrow. When should I take them for the levels to show up the highest in a urine test?

4 Replies

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Did you get an answer? I"m in the same situation .

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If I had 1 pill left an ran out before I go back to pain Dr an I take half that night an the other half day of my my Dr appointment will it show on my system enough

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What is the ng cut off level at pain clinics for drug test,is it 50 ,20 ,15

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Re: Karol (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

At the doctor I think that it might be 20ng and then if they find anything it go to 50ng. The pain doctor did gas spectrometer and I would expect that to be about 50ng.

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