How Long After Taking Zubsolv For Withdrawal
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Just want to tell about my story. I was taking 9 perc 10s at a time which is a very expensive habit to have plus I have a family to care for. I got addicted because I abused my script due to lupus then my mom died and it all went down hill from there. Anyway I got on zubsolv 5.7 took it 3 times a day for 4 days then w times a day 10 days. I stopped taking it for 2 days and then for the next 2 weeks took it randomly skipping days. And now it's been 7 days since my last dose. No withdrawals yet. And hopefully I won't have any but the cravings are strong but also the pain is real from the lupus. Not sure what I'm gonna do about the pain but for now I'm free.

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I haven't looked into anything else. I never did get any withdrawal symptoms. But I ended up back on the pain meds. See I have lupus sle and soon after getting off the zubsolv I went into a severe flare. However this time I'm taking it properly. I only started abusing them back in March when my mom passed and I was trying to cure an emotional pain. But it didn't work and before I knew it I was taking 9 percocets at a time. Allbeit I my once a day due to the limit of acetaminophen that one can take in a 24 hour period. But now I'm working on dealing with my emotional pain in other ways. And as far as the pain meds go I'm following the doctors orders.

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Hi keyra,

Thanks for sharing your story. It sure helps paint a picture for what someone else might come to expect while undergoing a transition off of Zubsolv. My guess based on your description is that you probably wont be one to experience severe withdrawals due to your relatively brief time on the medication along with intervals of missed doses. However I still have my fingers crossed for you, as sometimes you just never know when it comes to these types of medications!

As far as other treatment options are concerned for pain management, have you also considered looking into high-CBD cannabis or Kratom?

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