How Long After Taking A Zubsolv Can You Use Opiate
Updated7 Replies
@big a,
Depending on how much you took and how frequently you take Zubsolv, it seems like most comments on here recommend waiting at least a few days before you can feel the full effects of something like Opana. This is mainly due to buprenorphine's long half-life of anywhere between 24 to 60 hours (at which point half of what you took is still working in your system). However if it was just a one time thing, I'd imagine that you probably wouldn't have to wait quite as long.
Does anyone else have personal experience switching from Zubsolv to an opiate after short term use?
I'm taking zubsolv and want to know if I can still take my fioricet for my headaches. Without bad side effects......
Yes you can! A lot of doctors will say you can't take it because it's a barbiturate and similar to a benzo so due to the CNS depressant they advise against it but I take it daily with zubsolv because of my bad headaches and migraines and I have no problem at all.
My doctor prescribed Zubsolv, Feoricet, Adderall, and Xanax. I have not had any problems. I take them for headaches, as well. I know alot of doctors won't prescribe these drugs together. Mine slowly added one, then another. I am monitored monthly. It works for me.
I want to take zub for 5-6 days to get through withdrawal from morphine.. I plan on taking small doses to lessen the withdrawal symptoms. Will I be all right?
I do not understand. If subutex doesn't work for pain what is the point? I am addicted to opiates due to pain. What can I do?
Re: Cin (# 6)
Subutex DOES work for pain. I use it for pain and while it is not as good as my previous pain medicine (when it did work - after years of using it, it no longer worked/works). The Subs are good enough & block enough pain that I will be glad to use them instead of going back on Vicodin.
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