How Long After Taking A Lortab Should I Wait To Take My Suboxone (Top voted first)


Help! I've been on suboxone for 3 years and havent really had any relapses, especially in the last year. I have the flu of death currently and couldn't resist my mom offering me two of her lortab 10 mgs. That was about 12 hours ago. I can't tell if I'm having wds or not, honestly the pills didn't even help that much, and I'd like to take my sub asap. BUT since its my last one until the insurance prior authorization goes through, tomorrow or the next day, I'm only going to be able to take half my dose of suboxone. How long do I have to wait for wds to usually start? Like I said it didn't even feel like the lortab did anything

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Hi i have been taking 8 mg subs for 8 months. i just had surgery and had to take percocet 7.5 miligrams for 4 days. im ready to get back on the suboxone as that has been a life saver for me. i've waited 10 hours since my last percocet .. can i safely take a sub?

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Just because a doctor feeds YOUR METHADONE ADDICTION doesn't make you a superior human being. People like yourself are why folks on methadone for addictive features are maligned and discriminated against. Next time you s*** yourself from withdrawal syndrome think about how superior you are!!!! Just stating the medical fact!!!!

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Thought this made more sense :( it meant to say that I can't tell if what I'm having Is wds because I have had the worst stomach flu of my life for the past 48 hours. Id really just like to know how long I MUST wait to ensure I don't make myself sicker?

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@sickandtired (thread starter),

From what I understand, it would probably be a waste of time to try and take something like Lortab after Suboxone, because Suboxone will inevitably block Lortab from reaching your receptors; hence the reason why you may not have received much benefit after using them.

However, looking at some related threads here on "When you might be able to start taking Suboxone after Lortab?", I'm seeing many patients mention that you should be in a state of withdrawals before you begin using Suboxone (which it sounds like you are from your description).

Although I'd invite anyone else with personal experience in the matter to please correct me if I'm wrong, since I haven't actually used these meds myself and am merely sharing the feedback of others.

I hope this helps!

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Iv been on subs for a while now, I took one lortab 10 this morning when can I take my subs again. It was just one and if been doing great.

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The suboxone has been built up in the OPs system for so long that they should not have to wait any time at all to dose. The waiting til you are in withdrawal rule is for habitual opiate users switching from DOC to suboxone after an extended period of time on their DOC. It does not apply to a one time use while on a sub main. Program. The sub did not leave the receptor during that use so dosing again will NOT precipitate withdrawal.

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Re: Brookie (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

I started on sobxon a week ago tomorrow
I have did good I think other than still have no appite at all wonder how long that will last I have lost weight from being in pain med so many years hoping it passes so I can start back eating and gaining my little weight back
And.i also stopped taking my anax so I am so irritable and mood swings it's unreal i try to stay to myself cause the least thing gets to I don't want to be that way toward my husband when he hadn't did anything .I hadn't slept in over a week
I will be so glade when this.passes I never in my life want another pain pill
If I had known this would end up being controlled by a small bottle of pills 9 yrs ago when my dr wrote for RA I WOULD NEVER TAKEN not one this has been the Hardest thing ever to get passed.i had never done drugs I can't believe I am having to say I was addicted to pain med i feel so many out there are like me.goy hooked not knowing they was so powerful and then lossing your ownself like I did
This needs to be taken back over so many innocent people is fighing addiction and never planned on being this way

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I'm sorry your having so much pain. I'm starting on suboxone tomorrow kinda nervous

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Ive been on and off subs from vs for a year now ive only wanted 6hours from vs to a sub and every time im fine in fact great the only thing is when i switched back to tthe vs they dont work as well hope this helps people on that topic

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You shouldn't get sick. I only did that once since I started subs a year ago. The only thing was I didn't really feel the Vicodin working bc of the subs. Never got sick like I've heard happens. Sometimes I wonder about that. If people do get double w/D symptoms or whatever they call it.

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How long after ur last dose of suboxone did u take the pills??? Were u able to feel effects or did u feel sick? I've been on 8mgs suboxone every day for the last 7 months and I got a script for some oxy codone wondering how long after the suboxone I should take them...

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Yeah I've seen alot of people say wait 24 hrs after short acting opiates (H, roxy,vics, percs, dilaudid, opana). This is complete b.s... 12 hrs is all u have to wait. Sometimes only 6 if youve only used 1 time.Unless your H was cut with fent. However, methadone is a completely different beast. I had precipitated withdrawal 3 days after last methadone dose. Methadone sticks around forever. You'd be best going from methadone to a short acting opioid , then to subs IMHO. AVOID PRECIPS AT ALL COSTS!!!

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Suboxone is an antagonist-protagonist. Meaning that it blocks the effects of all other opioids in your system. since Suboxone is only taken 2 times daily and used for detox in some cases, it takes care of pain while also preventing a euphoric feeling that could become mentally addictive. These properties make it great for detox and easy to taper off of the drug. The lortab will not have an effect with suboxone in your system.

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Hey guys...same..too many dam surgeries!! Was on 40mg methadone!!.. Md m.d. doesnt believe in it. Gave me percs and oxys..have no Y (junkies) people think so great!!! I want my methadone back!! I went to an m.d. in 2012 who told me get the krap really rollen. Then take..8mgs/2mg naltrexone...kraped in drawers 2 times..i had enough...dont see m.d. for 8 days!! hoping this keeps from withdrawals!! it suks being on a med for 15yrs then say end of life only!! what about quality life...also, take care of stroked hoping tonight is better than the last 3...pls..anyone have any..thoughts?? prayers... I never did drugs in my life except by my m.d...i but is raw!! wait for the krap roll. Like mucus!! I'll let u guys know friday...its nice to read about problems peeps have ..junkies or not!!! long do subs remain in your system? Roye!! nola....god bless all...never thought i would be typing these words!!!

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