How Does Methadone Compare To Suboxone (Top voted first)
UpdatedI take suboxone. I'm really trying to be 100% clean. I ran out of suboxone early and took 3 10mg methadone pills. I have never taken them before. I don't know if I should let them dissolve or how the mgs compare to a suboxone. I'm not looking to feel high. Just trying to end this disaster I got myself into. If anyone knows about these could you please offer advice?
4 Replies
Yes, many people who take Methadone never become fully drug free, they usually end up on a lifetime maintenance dose, which is why many people prefer Suboxone, or Subutex, now.
Why did you run out early?
These medications are opioids that carry the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, constipation, and headache.
Are you back on Suboxone, now?
There is a risk of going into withdrawal if you start it, again, too soon after taking the Methadone.
It is really hard to compare the doses of the two, especially since a lot of treatment is individualized.
I got off Methadone and hopped on subuxone. I live in Pa and my sub doctor takes most insurances and he is a Medical Marrijuanna Doctor.
If you are going to try to get off the done and on to subs MAKE SUre you are sick or you will go in Precipitative Withdrawel which I can only describe as HELL
I went down to 39 mgs of done and waithed till I was sick between 36 to 48 hours And then I only took a little bit and waited when i didn't go into PW and I finally got up to 12 mgs of sub and that holds me Please be careful My Doctor Is Danny Hernandez the best Doc I have evr seen He has offices in Allentown pa I have over 10 yers of experience with subs
Stay with suboxon man. Don't mess with methadone I tell you it is bad. You will be on methadone for life if you keep on
Stay on suboxone!!! Methadone has alot more side effects and dependency to it is guaranteed! It pretty much shuts down your colon! I know this because my mom has been on it since 2005 and my dad was on it for 16yrs till his pain doc in 2015 took his meds away and stopped prescribing opioids. Now my dad is in prison for possession of methamphetamines because he got so deathly sick after losing his dones and oxy that he started doing dope because he couldn't get any scripts anymore because of the crack down on doctors writing for pain meds and we lived in rural area so no methadone clinics at all near us. But he would get sick alot from severe constipation and I've been addicted since 97 to some kind of opiate and in 2014 when I got my fentanyl patches taken away my dad gave me 1 10mg methadone a day for like 8 months and I got sick alot from not going to the back room and my mom does a lot too. Suboxone I believe is designed way better for overcoming addiction because of the naloxone in it so you cant just take other opioids with it without getting sick. Methadone you can take and take other stuff and my mom runs out all the time because she was a raging addict when she got on it to begin with and is on 160mg of liquid a day and has been 13yrs which I believe is nuts because I've helped out an old friend of mine once who came into town from across the state and he brought a girl with him he hadnt known for long, she was a opioid addict and got very very sick while here and of course he could not find any to get her well so he called me and asked if I had anything to give her. I was taking methadone at the time. I said I can give her a half of a 10mg done, that's the best I can do but I doubt it will help her much if she is a heavy long time IV user of black tar! I went to the motel and she was vomiting nonstop and crying and freezing and sweating and hurting so badly. I gave her the half of a pill and 20mins later she was nodding off in the bathtub. Luckily I was in there with her helping her get cleaned up. I was very surprised how strong that 5mg was to take her withdrawals away like that. She started crying thanking me. Sorry I kinda blabbled on here lol. But if I was you I would stay with the suboxone and if you are running out early then you probably need to up the dose. Tell your doctor that you need more or do like I do, I don't take it all at once. I take some in the morning and some around 2pm and if I need it I take a little before bed.
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