How Does Hepatitis C Affect Elimination Of Drugs From Urine (Top voted first)


I have hepatitis c and occasionally take ms contin,percocet and other prescription opiates(without a prescription)for probation.I am also approximately 50 lbs overweight and fairly innactive.How much longer will the opiates stay detectable in my urine?

11 Replies

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I have a drug test Tuesday morning at ten u did h a few days in a row last time Sat night at about 7 I'm going to drink lots of water. I also have hep c can I pass by Tuesday?

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I have hep c and was occassionally taking methamphetamine orally. How long will it be in my system after my last dose?

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My husband took cocaine on friday and had a drug test today (thursday). It's been 6 days since he dosed and he hasn't done any drugs before that for 4 months. He has hep c... Will it affect the results?

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I have been withdrawing for over 13 months , I was on 12 30 mg of oxiconde per day. One 60 mg of morphine sulfate er 0ne 100 mg of morphine sulfate er. Soma three times a day, 20mg of adderall 1thee times a day, and kolpion 1mg three times a day. I could not find a treamemt center to help me because of the combo of opioids and benzo's. I'm now off of soma, oxiconde (four months) and I'm breaking the 60 mg er in have, I'm not understanding why I went for two days without taking any morphine yet I woke up at5am throwing up, running to the bathroom and chills to the bones,, I have Hepitis C and was wondering if my body was holding morphine and slowly releasing it,? These meds were all written my a Doctor and I took them over 18 years.... Sometimes I had to take the morphine when I didn't hurt because of the withdrawals , I'm taking the control back! But I'm giving a u.a. And I do not understand becoming so I'll after no meds for 48 hours P.S. These were written for back pain..still on the kolpion for p.t.d. I'm ok with that!. Any one have any ' clues' I'm proud of myself yet I took a back step with out understanding what happened.

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I have hep c and i was on a methadone matinence program for about a year.. Now im on suboxone matinence program...its been three days since my last methadone dose i tapered off the methadone to get on the suboxones... Im getting violently sick for the past 3 days everytime I take a piece of suboxone, what shouldsuboxone?? Also is the hep C keeping the methadone in my system longer, is that why I'm still getting sick someone please HELP!!!!

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I have hep c. I took methamphetamine on 5-19-17 and on 5-26-17, but I failed a drug screen for amphetamine. How is this possible?

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Re: Mary (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I don't know you but. Any one to stop I'm proud of

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Re: Missi (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

i wen from methadone to suboxone and it was a living hell for about 7 days, it threw me into precipitated withdrawal and i had just doesed the day b4 90 mg when i got to the ER from taking the suboxone the methadone didnt even show up in my system, it is highly dangerous to take suboxone if you have been taking methadone, however there was no problem whatsoever going from suboxone to methadone,just be very careful and if you can just wait it out dont take suboxone until you have been in full withdrawal for about 4-5 days it is nothing but a living hell and makes u wish you would go aheas and die im serious

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I know this is an old question, but...suboxone, containing naloxone is terrible for the liver. You could be sick just from the hep c complications, or the naloxone intake. If your doc knows you have hep c, he/she should def change to subutex as it's way less harmful to the liver. I'm in the same boat, hep c and on buprenorphine. I hope you got it figured out.

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When switching from Methadone to Suboxone I know personally you have to come down to 20 milligrams of methadone and let yourself get sick for about 4 to 5 days before you take any Suboxone, but if you take the Suboxone and put yourself in that precipitated withdrawal it will last like say almost 24 hours. It'll be 24 hours of hell, but it will be over and then you can just go right on with the Suboxone. I know this personally.

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Downerhead-it depends on your amount of viral load being processed, liver damage, BMI. SO many things!!!

More importantly, the pain meds ALL have additives that kill the liver faster-seriously.

Acetaminophen is the worst-it leave permanent traces that the exhausted.

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