How Does Dilaudid Compare With Oxycodone?
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15 Replies
I'm considering switching from Dilaudid to Oxycodone. What is the amount of Oxycodone I would need to equal what I get (112 8mg Dilaudid)?
I'm 97 lbs..I have stage 4 cancer..lung/ we speak I'm on 2. 100mg patches of phenyl every 2 days..And 2. 8mg dilaudid every 4 hrs...Meds help approx 25% of pain..any ideas to pass off
Would love to know the dr. You see what state is he in, what's his name
Hello, I would like to agree with you about not feeling high on properly administered pain meds. People who have chronic pain that take meds for the right purpose do not feel high. I have had 4 back surgeries and 3 other major surgeries and wer the Fentanyl patch and take Percocet 10mg-4 or so a day and i still have bad pain more often then not,however this has been going on since 1990 when i had my first back surgery ,I have had so many meds,i fear my body is becoming immune to them. May i ask what your medical issues are that you shot Dilaudid ,I dont think i could do that.I dont mind getting any kind of shots,just dont think i could do my own.
Just wanted to add, if the varying doses are all made by the same manufacturer, then the inactive ingredients are usually the same. The difference will occur if you switch to a different manufacturer.
Unfortunately, fax is not acceptable for Schedule II scrips.
Thank's for the advice. I now know that the inactive ingredients in the 8 mg. Dilaudid are the same in 8 mg. as they are in 2 & 4 even though the 8 is larger and shaped different. I will be very unhappy if I get my doctor to write me 8 mg. and they don't break down with a clear, like water fluid, once I convert them into an injectionable form. As far as mixing them with xanex and or Vallium. Iv' e been doing it for years and it is safe as long as you don't over do the benzo factor. If I usually see my doctor every month to write my scripts. Can I mail him the money for an office visit, and or have him fax a pharmist my med scripts? This is Kentuckey Derby Month & flying roun trip over a thousand miles every month is costing me a bundle. I pay cash and don't have insurance?
As to the inactive ingredients, no they will not necessarily be the same from the name brand to the generic. They are allowed to be entirely different.
In addition, the drug itself does not have to be identical, the generic company only has to show the FDA that their active ingredient is Bioequivelent and acts in the body in the same way the active ingredient from the name brand did.
The regular release tablet is only available in a max of 8mgs, however, there is a time released version that is available in higher dosages.
I do not know if the injectable forms are available by prescription for home use, you would need to check with your doctor or pharmacist. In addition, you should also check with them if you are going to mix it will Valium or Xanax as some drugs are not safe when mixed like that.
Does oxicodone come in in jection form? I take them both for interactive Pain. It would be so much easier if I could just draw them up from a bottle or vial and shhot them with Vallium or zannex all in one shot?
I thought 8 mg. was the strongest pill form od Dilaudid? Are the inactive ingredients the same in 8 & 10 mg. as they are in 2 & 4 mg. name brand made by abbott? If so they will bread down in water and when crushed, put in a spoon and lit up with a blue flame, torch lighter they should be a clear liquid instead of a red or yellow, transparent liquid. How hard is it to convince your doctor that the only way you feel it at all is by injection. I don't care what the price is a Diladuid liquid injection mixed with Valuim takes away the pain and puts you in uphoria.
I did not mean you can only get a script for 10mgs at a time, I meant that is the maximum dosage that is available by prescription. The pills do not come in anything higher than 10mgs.
Diladuid is not that strong once you get used to it. Whoever told you you can only get a script for 10 mg's at a time in not informed. I get180 4 mg. pills a month with 90 30 mg roxicodone and 60 2 mg zannexI want to get a bottle of liquid I can inject strait into my hip or sholder. That's what I do anyway, because if I don't I wont feel them at all. I don't feel high at all from all of the stuff, it just makes me normal.
Gary, M 5771 is Methadone 10mgs, generic for Dolophine.
The side effects for this are similar to those of other narcotics.
For the first poster, Oxycodone is the strongest narcotic pain killer on the market that you can get in pill form.
While Dilaudid is really a stronger medication, it is considered so dangerous that it is only available by prescription in a max of 10mgs, so for those who suffer chronic pain, the only option available in pill form to provide sufficient pain relief is Oxycodone.
white pill with m on front, no. 5771
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