How Does Klion D Work And How Effective Is It


I have an itch that is associated with burning and i even think my vaginal is inflamed. I have used 3 Klion D inserts in a 2 day period and i am not feeling any different. I want to know if it normally takes this long to start working or if i should go back to my doctor?

19 Replies

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Klion-D contains Miconazole and Metronidazole, it is used to treat vaginal fungal infections, such as yeast infections.

It can take several days to start working. However, if you really don't feel it's helping, then you should contact your doctor.



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Was this helpful? 18

Try klion d 100 over four time don't resurt of it on my fifft one

Was this helpful? 12

Shoul i have any discharge when using the klion-d 100 vaginal tablets?

Was this helpful? 180

What is klion d 100 use to treat

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If a male and female are being intimate, but unprotected when inserting a klion d, what happens to the male?

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You shouldn't use that when being intimate after she can use it.

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Can I use 2 klion pills at night for five nights or the 1 for ten nights is more effective

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Hello. I would like to know if Klion d is available over the counter?

Was this helpful? 18

I'm 24 weeks pregnant and my doctor prescribed a klion d 100 for me to take... I only took it 1 time and it looks like the pill's not working. What should I do?

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Does the klion D 100 suppose to burn when enter vagina

Was this helpful? 37

Why do i catch yeast infection every three week before my period came a the klion d is not helping

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I was prescribed klion d 100 but only took 4. If I resume taking klion d 100 for a couple weeks, after the first 4 inserts will it be effective?

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I am 27 weeks pregnant and was told i have an yeast infection so the doctor prescribed klion d and it has caused me to itch more and it burns when entered into the vagina

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I am 26 weeks pregnant and my doctor said i have a yeast infection... it didnt burn when i urinate or had an odor so he prescribe klion d 100 and candid cream... after taking the first 1 and awoke in the morning i started feeling hitch and burn and i had an fever. Do you think its the medication causing it? Do u think i should stop taking it and call my doctor right away.. also having teribble headache and pain in my waist...

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Re: Kimmii (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Should I feel a burn in the morning after inserting the klion at night? I was prescribed to insert 2 klion at night. Is it possible to do so? Is this medication gonna work? I'm worried :-(

Was this helpful? 7

Can Klion-D affect your menstrual cycle? I finished taking it about three weeks ago and my period hasn't come as of yet.

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Re: Mark (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Should I wear a panty shield when talking klion D tablets (insert)

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Re: Jackie (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

Yes! Because it’s going to drain out

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Can 2 tablets be inserted at the same time?

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