How Do You Get The Same Effect From Morphine Sulphate Er As Oxycodone 15mg (Top voted first)


I have taken Oxycodone for a couple of years prescribed by my pain manegement Dr. He recently prescribed 15mg morphine sulphate ER twice daily as well as the oxy. I took my first dose and I literally felt nothing. No added pain relief, no euphoria, nothing. When I called the Dr and told him it had no effect, he told me to take 2 15mgs at a time 2 times daily. I havent tried that yet. I would prefer to crush them and use them as a shorter acting med if that is possible. I often run short on the oxy before it is time for my next fill and would like to know if anyone has experimented with the morphine sulphate ER and found out how to take it to get the same effect. Can it be crushed or chewed? How much of that powder should be taken? It would be nice to use them to carry me when I run short. The manufacturer of these is Rhodes. Thanks in advance for the replies

2 Replies

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Are you seriously even asking this question?...Are you even an addict?... They are totally different medicines - Completely.

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Wow. So instead of following the directions you want to just take the meds as you see fit. This is how people get into trouble and you to possibly be kicked out of pain management with notes in your records that will make impossible to find a new doctor. Extended release meds take awhile to get to full strength so give them a few weeks. Also pain med will not take all your pain away just lower it some. Finally if you feel like you need a short acting med for flares then talk to your doctor about instead of taking thing into your own hands.

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