How Do Oralcon Contraceptive Pills Work? (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I have started using oralcon contraceptive pill, I wanna know how they work

56 Replies (3 Pages)

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Last month I didn't c my period an dis Month iv ben using de pill, am I going to c it before month end

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Yes i been bleeding for more than 3 weeks now i been taking da oralcon wat can i do

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Hi when do u get ur period if ur on ur first red or when ?

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Hi. I've just had an ectopic surgery and my doctor has put me on oralcon contraceptive. I have not started it yet cause he said to start on the 1st day of my next period which I am still awaiting... Is it possible to start oralcon without being on your period yet?

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Hi. I am taking oralcon contraceptive tablets and I am on my forth red pill now but haven't had my periods yet. I also took Plan B in the middle, would that be the cause?

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Hi. I had unprotected intercourse on the seventh day of taking oralcon pills. Is there any chance of getting pregnant?

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Hi iws nt preventing nd on my last dae de condom broke cn I gt pregnant lik now or try 2 gt oral con?

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Re: Lebo (# 52) Expand Referenced Message

My period ws on 24 nd end 27 so I HV saw sum blood nd de condom he broken, so cn I take de oral con cz I'm nt preventing

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I was on the depo pavera im stil bleeding almost 2months now im on oralcon nw bt stil bleeding when wil the bleeding stop i started oralcon on monday its my 5th day now

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Hi.i have start using the oralcon now after i give birth.and im experience abnormal pains in my womb.what could be the it this pill?

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Re: patricia (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I was use depo for 5 years now i want baby so doctor gives me Oralcon can I use it or not?

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Hi I want to know if I can still use the oralcon birth control pill if its expired

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Hi! I had stopped using oralcon on the forth day after feeling too dizzy and nauseous.. Can I start back on them?

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hi, can i use oralcon birth control pills as an emergency pill?

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My wife wann start using oralcon pills what are the side effects and is she gonn add weight

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hi I take off from oralcon pill the problem is that I don't go to the periods every month I sometimes don't go for the whole two month and then after I go ,is there any problem . please advise

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