How Can I Leave Spasmo Proxyvon? Please Help Me
UpdatedI have a epileptic problem which comes from spasmo proxyvon. My life becomes hell. I am always feeling alone, bored and too shy to talk to others about my problem; all because of sp.. I take 15 to 20 tabs per day...
3 Replies
I have been taking sp for the last 14 years. I started taking it when I was 22 years old and now I am 37. Now my capacity is that I can take 8 to 9 strips in a day. I have lost everything because of this drug. I just want to save my life to take care of my kids. Plz guide me and I will be very grateful to u.
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Go to a doctor at one of the addiction centre government hospitals. They will give you a substitute known as Addnok or buprenorphine/naloxone. It takes away your craving and withdrawal symptoms completely. You will easily quit these drugs with the help of medical professionals.
Re: Utkarsha (# 2)
Hi. Thanks for ur solution. I'm still facing the same problem. Please guide me more.
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