Hippa People Always Misunderstand Ot (Top voted first)


Hippa or health info patient portability act provides information to authorized users regarding your health. Authorized usets are doctors,.pharmacists, insurance agencies, health care entities and law enforcement.

Prescription info for controlled substances are on a state and federal website called CURES and prescription drug monitoring programs ran by the dea.
This is a free internet site for authorized users.your drs and pharmacists log in to look up your info. It is considered negligence to utilize this govt resource. your only right to privacy is that they don't share it with unauthorized users. All workers in the healthcare field including cashiers in a pharmacy are hippa certified

So please...no more complaints about my hippa, laws, were violated!!!

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Sorry, negligence not to use this website when writing rx for controlled substances and for filling prescriptions for controlled substances.

Your privacy is not being violated when they look you up.

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Hello, Cheryl! Thank you for your informative post. There are many comments and questions being made about HIPPA, because many people don't understand it and few medical/government agencies bother to explain it.

However, I do want make sure that anyone who reads this is aware that in some cases, access is limited. For instance the secretary that makes your appointment, or rings up your bill isn't supposed to have access to your full medical records and all your details.

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