High Risk For Breast Cancer Waiting For Lumpectomy And Just Started Tamoxifen
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I have a high genetic risk of breast cancer and undergo diagnostics every year. I was recommended for a preventative mastectomy in a yr but my most recent scan showed a few cysts and a lesion with internal echoes. My Dr put me on tamoxifen as a preventative measure. I had a fna done which showed papillary architecture in the lesion and was recommended for a lumpectomy and mri which I am having the mri today and the surgery will depend on the results of this as to how soon they do it.
Since I have started the tamoxifen I had nausea at the start which has stopped and very severe bone pain especially in my legs hips and hands it'. Worse through the night and first thing in the morning and I struggle to walk some mornings over the last few days I have also had a few nose bleeds which I haven't had since I was a kid and broke my nose and my mouth is bleeding when I brush my teeth and 2 days ago more lumps came up in my breast which have become painful aswell as my nipples.
Are these normal side effects when starting tamoxifen???? I was told there was some not nice side effects so I don't want to seem dramatic going to the Dr if this is what happens on these tablets. Also if anyone has suggestions on managing the pain I would love to hear them!!
2 Replies
Thanks for the reply
Its good to hear that most of it is normal
I had a breast mri a few weeks ago which confirmed that the lesion is a papillary lesion and that there is 2 other areas near it that are possibly malignant
I am having a bilateral mastectomy on Monday the 5th so I have had a bit of a break from the tamoxifen which has been great but finding some of the symptoms do linger but not as severe.
I will definitely talk to my surgeon about the bleeding while I'm. In hospital to be honest I didn't feel comfortable to ask much at the start the surgeon they gave me had horrible bedside manner and just made me,cry all the time and was not willing to take my own wishes into consideration for the surgery but I have changed surgeons now and the new one is a gem!! He is so easy going and approachable and I'm feeling alot more comfortable with the situation :)
Thanks very much for replying I will get my results on the Thursday after my surgery so I. Will know more then
Hello, Rae! How are you? I am very sorry about what you're dealing with.
I am not seeing anything about it causing bleeding like this, so you should consult your doctor, as soon as possible.
The other stuff you listed is normal, however.
Have you had the MRI, yet? I really hope it turns out to be nothing.
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