Hi Verwon, Etc. Re: Adderall Vs. Ritalin
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Does anyone know the closest alternative to cylert (e.g., pemoline) which was canceled a few years ago?

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I don't know if it would help people with ADHD, but I'm thrilled with a natural compound originally which is the only Cylert substitute I've found that works for sufferers of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (i.e., people like me).

Perhaps you'd find it helpful, too.

I put up a Web page that describes my experience in detail:

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Kirstin, not a problem at all, if you look across from my username, you will see that I actually work at this site.

Have a great day and feel free to ask me anything, anytime!

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Thanks Verwon. Hope you come across this, and sorry to single you out, but you appear to be very knowledgeable. Take Care.

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Hi Kirstin!

From what I have found out about this, it is similar in composition and action to other stimulant drugs, though there aren't any directly related to it.

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