

iam 32 yrs old.i had misscarriage in said there was no reason for this that time i was only 5 month&doctor said there is no heartbeat in fetes.then now we try other pregnancy.docor gaveus this medicine.ChominacA,forminal 500SRB-Long f & this medicine help us.what is its use&give some detais about it

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ChromiNAC-A is a nutritional supplement, it contains

Chromium picolinate - 500 mcg, N-Acetyl Cysteine - 600 mg, Alfacalcidol - 0.5 mcg and Biotin - 1 mg.

They are essential to the human body and a deficiency in them can contribute to many medical problems.


Forminal contains the active ingredient Metformin, it is sometimes used to improve the use of insulin in the body and to treat conditions, such as Polycycstic Ovarian Disease.

Side effects can include: nausea, drowsiness, weight changes and flatulence.


B-Long-F contains Vitamin B6 and Folic Acid.

Folic Acid is essential to a pregnant women, because deficiencies in it can cause birth defects.

Learn more:


Anolet contains Letrozole, which is sometimes used to help stimulate ovulation, to improve your chances of getting pregnant.

It may cause side effects, such as: fatigue, sweating, hot flashes and joint pain.

More details:


So, really your doctor is trying to improve your overall health and chances of carrying a baby to full term.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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you didnot answer my question.iam eagerly waiting for it .But........

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what is the reason for my babys death.

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Sari, I'm sorry, but with just the limited information in a post on the internet, no one is going to be able to give you an answer to that question.

Getting to the root of what caused you to miscarry would require a doctor to physically examine you and run various tests.

There are many things that can cause it, there may have been defects in the baby, the mother could be malnourished, or it could be caused by other health problems.

There are more details on some possible causes here:


I am very sorry for your loss and I really wish I could answer that question for you.

Is there anything else?

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is the death of the baby a continous prossess.iam worried about the next said getting pregnancy as earlyas possible.but iam very tensed about it.any protection about other pregnancy.

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Sari, there are many, many women who have had miscarriages and still went on to have other children, with no problem.

Your best bet to help ensure a healthy, full-term pregnancy is to use the things your doctor prescribe, to make sure you are getting the vital nutrients that both you and the baby will need.

In addition, you may want to talk to your doctor about using the hormone Progesterone, it is vital that a woman have enough of it in her body to support a healthy, full-term pregnancy.


Some women have experience problems getting pregnant or carrying a baby to term, because their body's weren't producing enough of it.

Are there any other questions?

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Hi i have a 4 years baby. i have planned for a second baby from last 5 months but im not able to i went to a doctor they hav given me Anolet 5 mg tablet.. i had that tablet after 2 days im getting white with mixed red that ok or should i have to visit a doctor again....

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pls doctor Answer my waiting for ur reply...pls pls

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my name is konika & i m 32 yrs old.. i m trying to get pregnant last 2 yrs.. my left fallopian tube is blocked and no dominant follicle found.. doc prescribe me anolet 5 and steroied.. is this medicine help me?

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