Help/north Versailles P A (Top voted first)


I have lupus, neoropathy and non alcohol cirrosis, among others. For 8 years have been on high doses of oxycontin and oxycodine. I had surgery couple weeks ago srep daughter got perscriptions filled which i did not take. When told doctor he said violated pain contract. Have so far had no meds two days, legs cant bend head is exploding am in very bad shape. 49 y.o. i went to 2 different ERs they said they cant help. I just need to know what to do. Im having lupus pain and withdrawl which ive never had before.i live in north versailles pennsylvania

5 Replies

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Hi Denise,

I'm very sorry to hear about your condition. But if you've really been on these medications for 8 years, then going cold-turkey could be a potentially very dangerous experience as you may have already begun to notice. If I were you, I would continue to take them as prescribed by your doctor, then, let him/her know about your intentions to quit. Your doctor may be able to help get you on a tapering regimen (over the course of however long it takes) to lessen your risk of serious withdrawals.

Have you considered trying any alternative types of treatment (such as THC/CBD concentrates from medical marijuana clinics) as a means of adjunctive therapy?

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I really appriciate and know it. I have none have been to 2 ERs with a sezure and a TIA. They both sent me home empty handed and said ERs dont perscribe those medications I need to find a doctor. Then the nurse said well your almost 72 hours the worst is over. When in fact my hemotologist who moved and my PCP who cut patients under 5 years have told me under no circumstances can i stop these meds with my vascular condition its deadly. I have to get a new pcp until my appt with the pain clinic august 29th. They said I have hypertension which doesnt begin to describe what i have, Im TERRIFIED i just made my husband (a highly decorated police officer) sign an agreement to let me go if it comes to that. Im not afraid to die but have 2 teenage boys that need me. I am at a loss ive begged foor help with no results,and have never mismanaged my meds, i wouldnt embarrass my family like that. My goal is trying to find a doctor near north versailles pa thats not on vacation, thats taking patients, and harder yet will fill my perscriptions. I got an appointment with one doctor july first if i make it till then, but no guarentee i will get him to help. If you know a dr here please let me know
Thank you

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The nurse was very wrong. Being on these same meds 8 years will take months to even change. I have never been in so much pain,i birthed 2 children,had a kidney stone and shingles, none of those compare to whats happening to me now. I wont go into detail but im just praying now.

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I tried marijuana a fewtimes in college, of course it wasnt for pain. I am married to a detective and would not begin to know where to get marijuana. But honestly if it would help me walk slow my headache and allow my legs to bend so i could get up to throw up n not crawl anywhere i have to go, id smoke a pound of it.

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This poem was wrote for dogs but its perfect for this site its nicer than a "living will" but can be used as one.

If it should be that i grow frail and weak
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then will you do what must be done,
For this the last battle cant be won.
You will be sad i understand,
But dont let your grief then stay in your hand,
For on this day, more than the rest,
For on this day,more than the rest,
Your friendship must stand the test.
Weve had so many happy years,
You wouldnt want me to suffer so.
When time comes please let me go.
Take me to where my needs they will tend
Only stay with me until the end
And hold me firm and speak to me
Until my eyes no longer see.
I know in time you will agree
It is a kindness your doing for me,
Although my tail had its last wave,
From pain and suffering i have been saved.
Dont grieve that it must be you
Who has to decide this thing to do;
We've been so close-we two-these years,
Dont let your hear any tears.

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