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I was wondering how bad is it if you take zanax while pregnant?

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I find the above statement a little far fetched. Yes, according to my pharmacy books I went through just now and reread over and over to make sure, they do state that pharmacokinetically it crosses placenta and breast milk but I do not have any categories placed on the medication as to it being precautionary. I am very surprised by this finding. In the normal locations for pregnancy, it only lists the Elderly, debilitated, hepatic disease, renal disease. Thats it. Quite interesting. Maybe a peer reviewed article is in order for me to see if my Mosby's book's are not properly stating all the facts and new studies are in place for this drug and either animals or pegnancy outcomes. Not even pregnancy category A which states that there Xanax failed to demonstrate risk from the medication in the third trimester but in my personal view, the most key developmental stages, hold back some...

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Xanax does cross the placenta, meaning the baby also receives a dose and could be born addicted to the medication.


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