Have Been Taking Metanx For About 4 Months
Updatedhave deveoped dime size leisons on my legs and back that crust over and disappear; then reappear. never thad this before taking Metanx.
1 Reply
Metanx is actually just a nutritional supplement that's specially formulated into a proprietary blend to help with nerve pain and damage. It's mainly used by diabetics that suffer neuropathy, or to help prevent it from occurring.
You can learn more Metanx details here.
Have you consulted your doctor?
It sounds like you may have something else going on.
It could be something related to circulation or perhaps there is too much of a certain nutrient for you in the Metanx, but only your doctor is going to be able to get to the root of the problem.
Do they hurt? Do they burn or bleed? Are there any other symptoms?
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