Harvoni N Feeling Good


been on harvoni for 7 weeks side effects not to bad, got to keep a full stomach n that usually takes care of the nausea and all of my joints are feeling a lot better, feel like the tin man in wizard of oz when the girl oiled the tin mans joints, moving around more easily. seem to cope with problems a little better n have more energy, hope its not short lived

2 Replies

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Hello, Joe! How are you doing? I'm glad this medication is working well for you.

Many people have reported good results with it and positive outcomes, so lets hope the same holds true for you.

The FDA lists other possible side effects as including nausea, dizziness and headache.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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i am on my 9th wk on harvoni n i was only 5wks on my last reply n now im on the 9th wk so i was wondering why i am craving tabasco hot sauce on fried chicken i could never have spices before without having stomach complications n now cant stop having hotsauce just curious n still feeling pretty good but have been noticing lower back n leg pain n that could be from scoliosis other then that everything is a plus n blood test results r coming back undetected so one more month to go n praying to be cured n thank you all n God

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