Half Pink Half Clear Capsule With Brown Inside
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I found a capslul and it is half pink half clear filled with something brown on the inside, almost Sandy looking. There is no markings at all and I have not been able to find out what it is.
2 Replies
Most likely, you found an illicit drug containing fentanyl. So BE CAREFUL!!! Do NOT open it, crack it open, swallow it, get any of it in your eyes/nose/mouth, or on your skin. If it is fentanyl, it is DEADLY!!!! Flush it! Do not throw it away or allow any children or animals get ahold of it either! Please! Please! Please!!! Be careful!
Hi Haley,
This sure fits the description of a lot of dietary supplements I've taken in the past (i.e. things like vitamins, herbs, or pre-workout pills), but without an imprint of any kind there's really no honest way to know for certain what it may be unless you were to have it analyzed by a lab.
One thing we can rule out as a possibility are standard US prescription drugs, since they are required by law to have at least some sort of marking for identification, even if it's just a score line or symbol. This leaves several other categories to consider, such as something illicit, foreign, or OTC.
May I ask where you found it?
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