Half Of Oblong Pill Ending In 17
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I found a white oblong pill broken in half and all I can make out is 17 at the end. Anyone have any clue what this could be??

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I take Percocet 10/325, monthly. This rx I received through white oblong capsule u17 this time. Are they the same? Just as strong or stronger.

Thank you I

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Very possible that what is missing is the "U" as in U 17 which is generic 10/325 Percocet/Acetominophen.

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Hello, Alley! How are you?

No, I'm sorry, but with only a partial imprint, there are just far too many possibilities to even hazard a guess, so far.

However, I'll keep looking and post back, when I have information for you.

Does anyone else have an idea of what this might be?

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