Half Of Oblong White Pill With 66 Or 99 Nothing On Other Side


found a half of an oblong white pill with the numbers 99 (I think) or possibly 66 on floor in sons bathroom...WHAT IS THIS PILL? There is nothing on the other side. Can't see a score line either, break is jagged

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Based on a possible imprint of "66", this could be a number of different pills. Listed below are two pills that I felt came closest to your description:

There is a white oblong shaped pill marked "M366" on one side and blank on the other. This is Acetaminophen + Hydrocodone (325mg/7.5mg); also known as Vicodin.

There is another white oblong pill marked "IP 466" on side and blank on the other. This is Ibuprofen (800mg).

It's nearly impossible to identify something with a partial marking like that, but hopefully this can at least help to narrow down your search. Do you think your son knows what it is or at least a vague idea of what it should be?

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I found half a white oblong coated pill with the imprint 99 its a thick pill like an IBU 800 but i don't know for sure... can anyone help me figure it out?

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