Green Oval Xanax S 302 (Top voted first)


When these people write asking about the S 302, they do mean 3 and it is not a 9 any way you look at it. Has anyone found out what this really is? I take Xanax and these new S 302 are flooding the area BUT are not generic or any kind of Xanax. They do not have the same effect and are a waste of time and money.

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Mine were filled at Walgreens and are 302 and do not work...I am pissed.

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I think the underlying issue is that the S 302 are clearly counterfeit products that are not being dispensed by licensed pharmacies; and the only way to find out for certain what's inside is to have its contents analyzed by a lab and/or drug panel.

Real green oval Alprazolam 1mg tabs manufactured by Dava Pharmaceuticals are imprinted with S 902 and carry a National Drug Code of 67253-0902. Anything pretending to be this that doesn't fit the correct description is counterfeit...

You can also view an image for verification here: Green Oval Alprazolam 1mg Tablet

Hope this helps!

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Yes those a fake if its clearly a 3 looking one its fake. The davas if you get a whole bottle should smell just like an elmers glue stick lol thats what i always noticed because i was on them. Also they are not bitter you can chew them and swallow without any bitterness really.

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