Getting Off Pristiq With Prozac
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As a GAD and panic disorder with agoraphobia sufferer for over 10 years, I am no stranger to meds. I have been on Pristiq, however, for about 3 years, and have finally decided it`s time for a change. This medication really did nothing to help me with my illness`, but due to the horrifying withdraw process (which you can start to feel if you miss a dose by ever a few hours), I`ve stuck with it. My doc has decided to put me on prozac to help with the withdraw symptoms of pristiq. Has anyone tried this with any success? I start the whole process in 6 days and I`m completely freaking out.

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I am back on Pristiq. But I was off Pristiq for 9 months. I split the pill and tapered that way. I read that you are not supposed to do that. But it worked for me. I did not suffer withdrawal. Not bad, anyway.

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Is he having you taper the Pristiq?

That's usually the best way to get off of these types of meds, a slow taper down on the one being stopped and titrating up on the new one.

Learn more Prozac details here.

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